1. Pete doesn't reads books every day
Does Pete reads books every day?
2.Did Pete read books yesterday?
Pete didn't read books yesterday
3. Pete won't read books tomorrow
Will Pete read books tomorrow?
4. Pete hasn't read some books already
Has he read some books already?
5. Pete doesn't reading now
Does Pete reading now?
6. Pete wasn't reading from 5 till 6 yesterday
Was Pete reading from 5 till 6 yesterday?
1) Which traditional ‘sport’ in Britain was made illegal in 2004?
b. fox hunting
2) If a British person thinks that something is unfair or unjust he or she says …
a. It’s not cricket. (= Это нечестно/не по правилам)
3) ответ d. Palace of Westminster (это место заседания Брит. парламента)
4) ответ c. the Palace of Westminster
5) ответ c. the Dutch (голландцы)
6) ответ a. Thanksgiving Day
7) ответ b. the Cold War
8) b. to ignore the will of parliament
9) d. between 70 and 80 kg (12 стоунов = 76,2 кг)
10) b. mudroom
1.Pete reads books every day.
Pete doesn’t read books every day
Does Pete read books every day?
2.Pete read books yesterday
Pete didn’t read books yesterday.
Did Pete read books yesterday?.
3.Pete will read books tomorrow.
Pete won’t read books tomorrow.
Will Pete read books tomorrow?
4.Pete has read some books already.
Pete hasn’t read some books already
Has Pete read some books already?
5.Pete is reading now.
Pete isn’t reading now.
Is Pete reading now?
6.Pete was reading from 5 till 6 yesterday
Pete wasn’t reading from 5 till 6 yesterday
Was Pete reading from 5 till 6 yesterday?