1) novel c) book 2) to be rich in d) to have a lot of 3) dominant b) main
1) My parents b) are tired of the noisy city. 2) Have you ever been to Ostankinskaya Tower? Let’s go there. It’s d) worth visiting. 3) In London most museums are c) free. 4) The writer was born in the nineteenth a) century. 5) The scientist couldn’t d) publish his works for a long time.
1) L. Carrol is a) a famous English writer, isn’t he? 2) London is the capital of b) the United Kingdom. 3) My cousin is b) the best pupil in the school. 4) Would you like a) a cup of tea?
Have you ever been to an ancient castle? Вы бывали когда-нибудь в старинном замке? This book is worth reading. Эту книгу стоит прочитать.
1. Having discussed (Participle I Perfect – причастие I перфектное) the terms of delivery, he left. Обсудив (после того как обсудили) условия поставки, он ушел. 2. Last week my secretary sent you the letter showing (Participle I Simple – причастие I простое) the prices of our products. На неделе мой секретарь отправил Вам письмо, в котором указаны цены на нашу продукцию. 3. I saw him enter (Infinitive – инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения) the office. Я видел, как он зашел в офис. 4. Writing (Gerund - герундий) business letters is useful. Писать деловые письма – полезно.