Полицейский - policeman охранник - security президент - president министр - minister механик - mechanic учитель - teacher программист - programmer директор - director продюсер - producer художник - artist
1. Functional units of a digital computer include storage units, central processing unit (CPU), and input and output units.
To answer this question, we refer to the given text that states that the functional units of a digital computer are organized as follows: 1) storage units, 2) central processing unit, and 3) input and output units.
2. The central processing unit (CPU) consists of various units, including control unit, arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), and registers.
Although the text does not explicitly mention all the units that make up the CPU, it states that the examination of the central processing unit follows the discussion of primary and secondary storage units. Thus, we can conclude that the CPU is the second functional unit after the storage units.
3. Computer system organization is structured around the primary storage unit.
According to the text, all data and instructions used by the computer system must pass through primary storage. Therefore, the organization of a computer system revolves around the primary storage unit.
4. The two main types of storage units are primary storage and secondary storage.
The text explicitly states that there are primary and secondary storage units in a computer system.
5. Primary storage contains all data to be processed, intermediate results, final results, and instructions required for ongoing processes.
The text explicitly mentions the functions of primary storage, which include storing all data to be processed, intermediate results, final results, and instructions required for ongoing processes.
6. The function of primary storage is to hold data and instructions that need to be processed.
This information is explicitly provided in the text, which states that primary storage holds all data and instructions that need to be processed.
7. Primary storage is often called memory because of its similarity to a function of the human brain.
The text specifically mentions that primary storage is often referred to as memory because of its similarity to the function of human memory.
8. Computer memory differs from human memory in retaining large numbers of symbol combinations without forgetting or changing any details, and it can locate all its contents quickly upon demand.
As stated in the text, computer memory differs from human memory in its ability to retain large numbers of symbol combinations without forgetting or changing any details and its ability to locate all contents quickly upon demand.
9. Codes used in computer memory are based on a binary number system, which has two possible values: 0 and 1.
The text explains that codes used by computer designers are based on a binary number system that has only two possible values, 0 and 1.
10. Secondary storage is slower and less expensive than primary storage, and it is used to store large amounts of data that cannot fit in primary storage.
According to the text, secondary storage is slower and less expensive than primary storage. It is used to store large amounts of data that cannot fit in the primary storage.
Добрый день! Я рад принять роль школьного учителя и помочь вам разобраться с этим вопросом. Давайте посмотрим на каждое наречие по очереди и преобразуем их в сравнительную и превосходную степени.
1. Fast - faster - the fastest (быстрый - быстрее - самый быстрый)
2. Neatly - more neatly - the most neatly (аккуратный - более аккуратный - самый аккуратный)
3. Well - better - the best (хорошо - лучше - самый лучший)
4. Badly - worse - the worst (плохо - хуже - самый худший)
5. Early - earlier - the earliest (рано - раньше - самый ранний)
6. Properly - more properly - the most properly (правильно - более правильно - самый правильный)
7. Hard - harder - the hardest (сильно - сильнее - самый сильный)
8. Seriously - more seriously - the most seriously (серьезно - более серьезно - самый серьезный)
На некоторые из этих наречий есть исключения. Например, наречие "well" имеет исключительные формы "better" и "best". То есть, в сравнительной степени мы говорим "better", а в превосходной степени - "the best". Аналогично, наречие "badly" имеет формы "worse" и "the worst".
Надеюсь, это помогло вам понять, как преобразовать наречия в сравнительную и превосходную степени. Если у вас есть еще вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать их!
охранник - security
президент - president
министр - minister
механик - mechanic
учитель - teacher
программист - programmer
директор - director
продюсер - producer
художник - artist