one wonderful day i went to the forest with my camera.i wanted to see an unusually beautiful animal.and here is i saw that not far from me rustled bushes.i approached and saw a wonderful animal through the trees ! and when i saw him i started the dragon ! he had blue eyes.white scales.he was wonderful ! i tried to catch him on camera.and only i could see it,i was amazed ! and i was finally able to take a picture of him.but clearly caught on camera i could only a month later.i thought i'd show this picture to people.but,i thought that then people would be looking for him and then he would die outside the will. and then the earth will lose such a miracle.
that's how i caught the camera wonderful animal !
My mother, I love her very much. I help clean up and prepare food for us, we go to the store with him and buy groceries, clothes, and so on. I really like to spend time with her with her, very fun and interesting, we also go to picnics and walk in the park
Моя мама , я её очень сильно люблю. Я и убирать и готовить нам еду мы с ним вместе ходим в магазин и покупаем продукты одежду и так далее мне с ней очень нравится проводить время с ней очень весело и интересно также мы ходим на пикники и гуляем в парке
2 did not they
3 do he(была описка,в комметах исправление не отобраз)
4 hasnt he
5 doesnt she
6 dont we
Как справка,если в главной части утвердительное(+),значит в "хвосте" отрицательное(-) и наоборот.)