my summer was wonderful. I walked with friends, rode my bike, read books. I also went with my parents to the Black Sea. the water was very warm. I also went to my grandmother's place in the village. picked berries, drank tea, bathed in the river. I didn't forget about my studies. that is why i often repeated English.
мое лето было замечательным. Я гулял с друзьями, ездил на велосипеде, читал книги. Я также поехал с родителями на Черное море. вода была очень теплой. Ещё я ездил к бабушке в деревню. собирал ягоды, пил чай, купался в реке. Я не забывал об учебе. именно поэтому часто повторял английский.
1. The new doctor is called Hilary.
2. Sammy is a nurse.
3. There is a bank downtown.
4. Is there a hospital near there?
5. The gym is near Sam's house.
6. There is a new cafe in town.
7. The hotel on Elm Lane is nice.
8. A new teacher is good.
9. There's a old theater in town.
1. I have a teacher and a brother.
2. There is a library on Queens Road.
3. I bought an apple and an orange.
4. Is there a bank near there?
5. There is a cafe at the bus station.
6. My dad is an engineer.
7. There is a cell phone on the table.