Exercise. then listen and check.the zebraquestionby shel silversteini asked the zebra,are you black with white stripes? or white with black stripes? and the zebra asked me,are you good with bad habits? or are you bad with '? are you noisy with times? or are you quiet with times? are you happy with days? or are you sad with days? are you neat with some ways? or are you sloppy with some ways? and on and on and on and onand on and on he went.i'll never ask a zebraabout stripesagain
-Hello, Arseny!-I greeted my friend.
-Hi, Danil!-he answered.
-Are you hungry? I'm starving!
-Oh, yes, buddy! I haven't eaten anything since midday!
-Well, I have some flour, eggs and honey. We can make a honey pie!
-Yeah, that's right! But do you know the recipe?
-Yes, of course! We should mix a cup of flour, 3 eggs and 3 spoons of honey. And then put it in the oven for 30 minutes.
we made the honey pie, ate it and Arseny went home very happy