State the function of "s" in the following sentences. 1. he often goes to the library. 2. i like this student’s translation. 3. has this word many meanings ? 4. the mouse provides the cursor control. 5. where are the children’s toys?
1. First-year students work hard to master _ the language. 2. What mark did you get ON Literature AT the entrance exams? 3. What mark have you got FOR your report? 4. “Try to get rid OF this gross mistake”, said the teacher. 5. When did you make a report ON this book? 6. Our nephew is very good AT maths. 7. Why don’t you take part IN our discussion? 8. We decided to join _ the English choir. 9. Where have you been? We haven’t seen you FOR ages. 10. When the monitor entered _ the classroom, the students kept silent. 11. Cousin Helen sends her best regards TO everybody. 12. The girl has invited her friends TO her birthday party. 13. What kind of sports does he go IN FOR? – He is good AT tennis and volley-ball. 14. I see you are angry WITH me, but I don’t understand why you do not answer _ my question. 15. Did he often write TO his mother when he was IN the South? 16. The students are proud OF their Institute. 17. They are all very fond OF the English speaking club. 18. Two of my fellowstudents are away FROM the lessons today.
Александр Грейам Белл является изобретателем телефона. Он родился в Эдинбурге, в Шотландии.о образованию Белл не был ни инженером-электриком, ни физиком. Он начал учителя музыки и ораторского искусства, позднее стал работать с людьми, страдавшими дефектами речи, потерявшими слух.Но вскоре Белл меняет направление деятельности и начинает работать над созданием телеграфа, с которого можно было бы одновременно передавать несколько текстов. В работе по созданию телеграфа случайность Беллу открыть явление, которое обернулось изобретением телефона.Сочинение на русском языке!Не получилось(
А вот на английском:Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. He was born in Edinburgh in Shotlandii.o education Bell was neither an electrical engineer or a physicist. He started as an assistant teacher of music and oratory, and later began working with people with speech disabilities who have lost sluh.No Bell soon changes direction and starts to work on the development of the telegraph, through which could be simultaneously transmit multiple texts. The work on the creation of the telegraph accident helped Bella discover a phenomenon that turned invention of the telephone.