пишешь про свой друг(-подруга)
1)Что ему(-ей) нравится
2)Что он(-а) может
3)в чем он(-а) хорош(-а)
4)Его любимый
Вот пример:
1)He (-She) likes... (reading ,cooking,dancing,swimming и т.д)
2)He(-she) can... (play-football,basketball,volleyball и т.д)или вместо play можешь что-то другое написать.
3)He's (-she's) good at... (math,science,geography,biology,chemistry и т.д)
4)His (-her) favourite... (Например любимый цвет или еда,песня,урок и т.д)
Если напишешь про любимый цвет:
Her/his favourite colour is... (brown,black,yellow,red и т.д)
Если про предмет (урок):
Her/His favourite subject is.. (math,geography и т.д)
Наверное все понятно:)
Yergey Vyacheslavovich Lazarev (born April 1, 1983, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, actor of theater, cinema and sound, TV anchorman, former member of the group Smash !!. Winner of the Golden Gramophone Award; multiple participant, and since 2007 - the host of the festival "Song of the Year." Twice he represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest (in 2016 in Stockholm in 2019 in Tel Aviv), taking both places in 3rd place.
Born on April 1, 1983 in Moscow. From 4 years old he was engaged in sports gymnastics. Parents Vyacheslav Yuryevich and Valentina Viktorovna Lazarev divorced, he was still young, the divorce occurred on the initiative of the mother [3], Sergey and Brother Pavel were raised by the mother, the father did not pay alimony [3] [4]. Gradually, Lazarev stopped visiting sports sections and continued his studies in various children's musical ensembles. From 9 to 11 years old Sergey Lazarev sang in the ensemble named after Vladimir Loktev together with his brother Pavel. At the same time he played in the theater of Boris Pokrovsky. In 1995 he became one of the participants of the children's ensemble "Fidget". As part of "Fidget" participated in famous television programs and festivals. In the same year she starred in the television humor magazine "Yeralash".