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Некоторые предложения с ошибками. исправьте их. some of the following sentences have mistakes. correct them. 1) the baby's bedroom looked very pretty with all the new decorations and toys in it. 2) where is the nearest children's' hospital situated? 3) mary has two sister-in-law's, both the same age as mary. 4) father is looking for friday's newspaper - there's some interesting article in it. 5) his father's in-law house is an old historical building. 6) one of the chair's legs is shorter than the others. 7) my brother made this lamp out of a bicycle's wheel. 8) eton is a very old boy school. 9) the morning sun's rays lit the clouds above our heads. 10) the ocean's shore at this place is high and rocky. 11) tower bridge is the most recognizable of all london's bridges. 12) the book's pages were thin and yellow.

1) The baby's bedroom looked very pretty with all the new decorations and toys in it.
2) Where is the nearest children's hospital situated?
3) Mary has two sisters-in-law, both the same age as Mary.
4) Father is looking for Friday's newspaper - there are some interesting articles in it.
5) His father-in-law's house is an old historical building.
6) One of the chair's legs is shorter than the others.
7) My brother made this lamp out of a bicycle's wheel.
8) Eton is a very old boy school.
9) The morning sun rays lit the clouds above our heads.
10) The ocean shore at this place is high and rocky.
11) Tower Bridge is the most recognizable of all London's bridges.
12) The book's pages were thin and yellow.
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1. It is very curious that you can take that view.
- "can" is used to express ability or possibility. In this sentence, it suggests that the speaker finds it strange or surprising that the person mentioned is able to take that view.

2. It is disappointing that he knows so little.
- "knows" is a present tense verb, so we need to use the past tense of "can" to match the tense. Therefore, "could" is the correct choice. It indicates past ability or possibility. In this sentence, it expresses disappointment that he was not able to know more.

3. If the enterprise succeeds, he will be a rich man.
- "may" is used to express possibility or permission. However, in this sentence, we are talking about a future event that is conditional on the success of the enterprise. Therefore, "should" is the appropriate verb to use. It suggests that if the enterprise succeeds, he will be a rich man.

4. I hope I will be famous someday.
- "would" is used to express willingness, preference, or a future action in the past tense. In this sentence, we are talking about a future event, so we should use the verb "will." It indicates a desire or hope for future fame.

5. I may not despair even though I might lose all my money.
- "may" is used to express possibility or permission. In this sentence, it suggests that there is a possibility of losing all the money, but the speaker still may not despair. "might" is used to express a more uncertain or hypothetical situation. It implies that losing all the money is a less likely scenario.

6. He declared he could not believe it, even though he might see it with his own eyes.
- "could" is used to express past ability or possibility. In this sentence, it implies that despite the opportunity to see it with his own eyes, the person declared that he was not able to believe it. "might" is used to express a hypothetical or uncertain situation.

7. It may be so, though I doubt it.
- "may" is used to express possibility or permission. In this sentence, it suggests that it is possible for it to be true, but the speaker expresses doubt. It indicates uncertainty.

8. He might perhaps succeed if he changed his way of living.
- "might" is used to express possibility or permission. "perhaps" is an adverb that adds a sense of uncertainty. In this sentence, it suggests that changing his way of living could lead to a possible success, but it is not guaranteed.

9. If there were less ice, it would be easy to reach the Pole.
- "were" is the past subjunctive form of "to be" used for hypothetical or unreal conditions. "would" is used to express hypothetical or imagined situations. In this sentence, it suggests that if there were less ice, it would result in an easier journey to the Pole.

10. I may come and see you next summer, but my plans are not fixed.
- "may" is used to express possibility or permission. In this sentence, it suggests that there is a possibility of the speaker visiting next summer, but the plans are not certain.

11. If the matter were less involved, I might possibly be able to help you.
- "were" is the past subjunctive form of "to be" used for hypothetical or unreal conditions. "might" and "possibly" are used to express uncertainty or possibility. In this sentence, it suggests that if the matter were less complex, the speaker might be able to offer assistance.

12. However poor a man may be, he always has something to be thankful for.
- "may" is used to express possibility or permission. In this sentence, it suggests that regardless of how poor a man is, he always has something to be thankful for. It indicates a general truth or statement.

13. If it turns out wet, we must seek shelter where we can.
- "turns" is the present tense form of the verb "to turn." In this sentence, we need to use the past tense form to match the tense. Therefore, "should" is the appropriate verb to use. It indicates what one should do or ought to do if it happens to be wet.

14. I am grieved that you should be so overworked.
- "should" is used to express obligation, duty, or recommendation. In this sentence, it expresses sorrow or sadness that the person mentioned is so overworked. It indicates a sense of concern or sympathy.

15. If disaster should come upon us, we will cling to our leader.
- "should" is used to express obligation, duty, or recommendation. In this sentence, it suggests that if a disaster happens, the speaker and others will hold onto their leader for support and guidance.

16. Pigs can't fly, but they would be strange birds.
- "can't" is the contraction of "cannot," which is the negative form of "can." In this sentence, it suggests that pigs are not able to fly. "would" is used to express a hypothetical or imagined situation. It implies that if pigs could fly, they would be considered unusual creatures.

17. If that were to happen, we could only say it was contrary to our experience.
- "were" is the past subjunctive form of "to be" used for hypothetical or unreal conditions. "could" is used to express possibility or permission. In this sentence, it suggests that if that event were to occur, the speaker and others would only be able to state that it goes against their past experiences.

18. Yet we trust that the sun will continue to rise as before, and that we will be alive to enjoy its warmth.
- "will" is used to express future actions or states. In this sentence, it suggests that the speaker and others have faith or confidence that the sun will continue to rise and that they will still be alive to experience its warmth.
4,5(88 оценок)
Вопрос гласит: сопоставьте слова, выделенные полужирным шрифтом в тексте, с их синонимами: изменчивый, часто, становится теплее, окружать что-то, исчезнуть, находиться в опасности, умереть от голода, сделать что-то меньше, ловить, исчезать.

Давайте начнём.

1. Changeable - это слово означает "изменчивый" или "переменчивый". Беспрекословно оно описывает нечто, что может меняться или изменяться со временем или приводить к изменению в других вещах.

2. Often - эта десятичная величина описывает то, что происходит или повторяется с большой частотой, часто. Более формальным синонимом этого слова может быть "часто".

3. Getting warmer - данное выражение указывает на процесс увеличения температуры или на ситуацию, когда что-то становится всё более тёплым. Более простым и понятным синонимом может быть "постепенно становится теплее".

4. Be all around something - это фраза описывает ситуацию, когда что-то окружает или находится вокруг другого объекта или места. Синонимом для этого выражения может быть "полностью окружать что-то".

5. Die out - данное выражение описывает ситуацию, когда что-то или кто-то исчезает или вымирает. Более простым синонимом может быть "вымереть" или "исчезнуть".

6. In danger - это выражение говорит о том, что что-то или кто-то находится в ситуации, когда существует риск или опасность для их жизни или благополучия. Формальный синоним этого выражения может быть "находиться в опасности".

7. Die from hunger - это выражение указывает на ситуацию, когда кто-то умирает от голода или нехватки пищи. Более простым синонимом может быть "умереть от голода".

8. Make smaller - данное выражение описывает действие уменьшения чего-то или делает что-то меньше в размерах. Синонимической заменой может быть "уменьшить" или "сделать что-то меньше".

9. Catches - это слово описывает действие или процесс ловли чего-то или кого-то. Синонимом могло бы быть "ловить".

10. Disappear - это слово описывает процесс исчезновения чего-то или кого-то. Более простым синонимом может быть "исчезнуть".

Надеюсь, что это подробное объяснение и сопоставление с синонимами помогли вам понять значения данных слов и фраз. Если у вас возникнут дополнительные вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь задавать их!
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