Моя школа знаходиться на вулиці
Франка . Школа побудована в 1996 роцi.
Споруда висока триповерхова. У школі просторі класи. Багато цікавого можна побачити у біологічному, хімічному та фізичному кабінетах. На першому поверсі є великий спортзал. Там часто проводяться спортивні змагання. Учні нашої школи приймають у них активну участь. Учительська знаходиться на другому поверсі. Там також є шкільна бібліотека. Її часто відвідують учні. На третьому поверсі знаходиться їдальня та актовий зал. На сцені часто виступають талановиті учні нашої школи з концертами та конкурсами.
Мені подобається моя школа – острівок зустрічі з добрими друзями, однокласниками, учителями.
Moya shkola znakhodytʹsya na vulytsi <nazva vulytsi>. Shkola pobudovana v <rik vidkryttya>.
Sporuda vysoka trypoverkhova. U shkoli prostori klasy. Bahato tsikavoho mozhna pobachyty u biolohichnomu, khimichnomu ta fizychnomu kabinetakh. Na pershomu poversi ye velykyy sportzal. Tam chasto provodyatʹsya sportyvni zmahannya. Uchni nashoyi shkoly pryymayutʹ u nykh aktyvnu uchastʹ. Uchytelʹsʹka znakhodytʹsya na druhomu poversi. Tam takozh ye shkilʹna biblioteka. Yiyi chasto vidviduyutʹ uchni. Na tretʹomu poversi znakhodytʹsya yidalʹnya ta aktovyy zal. Na stseni chasto vystupayutʹ talanovyti uchni nashoyi shkoly z kontsertamy ta konkursamy.
Meni podobayetʹsya moya shkola – ostrivok zustrichi z dobrymy druzyamy, odnoklasnykamy, uchytelyamy.
My school is on the street <street name>. The school was built in the <year of opening>.
The building is high three-story. The school has spacious classes. Many interesting things can be seen in the biological, chemical and physical cabinets. On the first floor is a large gym. There are often sports competitions. Our school students take an active part in them. Teacher's room is on the second floor. There is also a school library. It is often visited by students. On the third floor there is a dining room and an assembly hall. The stage is often performed by talented students of our school with concerts and contests.
I like my school - a meeting point with good friends, classmates, teachers.
1. Where is John? – He is in his room now. 2. She is his wife. 3. They are my friends.Their names are Philip and Robert. 4. Sally is a nurse but her brother is a computer programmer. 5. What is his name? – His name is Sam. 6. This is a fox. Its tail is long. Possessive pronouns exercises. Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. His Their Her 1. This is my mum. her name's Jess. 2. These are my sisters. Their names are Mary and Dina. 3. These are my parents. Their names are Tanya and Bob 4. This is my cousin. Her name's Helen. 5. This is my cousin. His name's Fred 6. These are my sisters. Their names are Tina and Nina. 7. This is my aunt. Her name's Pam. Упражнение 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.My first name is Molly. My family name is Adamauer. What about you? What's your first name? And what's your family name? I'm married. You can see my husband in the picture. His name is Aisek. We've got one son and one daughter. Our son is 21. His name is Nickolas. Our daughter is 24. Her name is Emy. Emy is married. Her husband's name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two children. Their names are Kevin and Evi.
2.the works at from large factory is the long way from Moscow
3.always in the time for is lessons. At the lessons I often read the English ma... and news at in home
4.their classroom is large the walls in the class are yellow
5.Brother is the student. His Friends are in
1.a lot the students go to college every year.
2. I stayed the home in ten yesterday This is a letter the my sister. I'm going to anwer the it now.
4.Nick hard the his englHe does a lot in ex class and the home.
5. " What are you going to do in the week end?" We're going the Klin in the week end"
6. to stay here in the week end?
если что троиточья это я по ленилась писать эти сложные слова