"As soon as you see him, give him my telephone number", Henry said to me. - Henry said to me that as soon as he saw him, gave him his telephone number.
"I'll just step out the door for a minute", Julia said. - Julia said that she would just step out the door for a minute.
"We are going to have dinner", my mother said to me. - His mother said to him that they were going to have dinner.
"She has made great progress in her English", her teacher said. - Her said that she had made great progress in her English.
"I will be glad to help you, don't mind", Joe said to Polly. - Joe said to Polly that she would be glad to help her, didn't mind.
Robert said: "Nobody has mentioned about it". - Robert said that nobody had mentioned about it.
"I can't stay here", he said. - He said that he couldn't stay here.
"We are playing a boring game", his children said.- His children said that they were playing a boring game.
"Be a good boy and be careful", his father said. - His father said that he was a good boy and was careful.
"If I go back my parents will not let me go out", the boy said to his friends.- The boy said to his friends that if he went back his parents would not let him go out.
"I think you don't know anything about it", Victor said. - Victor said that he thought him didn't know anything about it.
British cuisine - the practice and traditions of cooking in the UK [1]. British cuisine has a reputation for not being overly sophisticated but paying attention to the quality of ingredients that are usually locally sourced. [2] The sauces and condiments of traditional British cooking are also relatively simple and are used to enhance the natural flavor of food rather than alter it. During the heyday of Great Britain as a colonial power, British cuisine was strongly influenced by the cuisine of "overseas" countries, primarily India [3]. For example, the Anglo-Indian chicken dish - tikka masala - is considered a true British "national dish". Сейчас ещё переведу он очень тяжёлый!
История создания
Большинство событий, о которых говорится в «Приключениях Тома Сойера», взято из реальной жизни. В книге писатель вспомнил о годах своего детства в городке Ганнибале, которое в произведении получило название Санкт-Петербург (американцы любят давать маленьким городкам громкие названия столиц, поэтому страна имеет несколько Парижей, Єрусалимів т.п.; возможно, эти названия своего времени напоминали эмигрантам о покинутые родные места), В предисловии к произведению Марк Твен отметил, что Том Сойер вобрал в себя черты характеров трех мальчиков.