1. Did he go to school yesterday?
No, he did not go to school yesterday
2. Why did you come home early?
I came early because i had free time
3. Where did you learn English?
I learnt English at school
4. Did she work in the garden yesterday ?
yes , she worked in the garden yesterday
5. What did you do yesterday?
i swam in the river yesterday
6. I bought a new camera last week, didn't you?
i did not buy camera last week as you
7.Did your Dad take you to the carnival уesterday?
No , my father did not take me to the carnival yesterday
8. Did your sister take part in a famous fashion show in Paris last month?
yes , my sister toom part in a famous fashion show in Paris last month
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1. There is (Present Simple) no agreed-upon convention that delineates (Present Simple) the littoral state ownership of the Sea’s resources or their development rights.
1. Не существует согласованной конвенции, которая разграничивала бы принадлежность морских ресурсов или право на их освоение между приморскими государствами.
2. As a result, several conflicts have arisen (Present Perfect) over mutual claims to different regions of the Sea, especially in its southern waters.
2. В результате возникло несколько конфликтов из-за взаимных претензий на различные районы этого моря, особенно на его южную акваторию.