1.He reads a book every night. (Он читает книгу каждую ночь.)
2.He doesn`t cook every day. (Он не готовит каждый день.)
3.The dog sleeps in my room. (Собака спит в моей комнате.)
Все эти предложения в Простом Настоящем (Present Simple) времени.
Предложения строятся так:
подлежащие + сказуемое (глагол) (Между ними возможно слова
+ магниты Every day,always и т.д.)
В отрицательном предложение вот так:
Подлежащие+ отрицание ( don`t или doesn`t)+ сказуемое (глагол)
(Между ними возможно слова магниты)
4.Do you like popcorn? (Ты любишь попкорн?)
5.Does she get up at six? (Она встаёт в шесть?)
Вопросительные предложения строятся так:
Do или Does + подлежащие + сказуемое (Между ними возможно слова магниты)
Можете спрашивать (если что :) ).
Task 4
2) Andrew wasn't at his sister's wedding. He was in an amusement park
3) Our teacher wasn't at work. She was in Venice.
4) We weren't at thd cinema. We were at the party.
5) Martha wasn't at the shops. She was ill.
6) Sally and Josh weren't at a birthday party. They were in the swimming pool.
Task 5
2) Were Sam and Dave at a birthday party yesterday? No, they weren't. They were at the cinema.
3) Was Tony at home on Sunday? No, he wasn't. He was on a roller coaster
4) Where were Adrian and Iza last week? They were on the beach
5) Were your parents at the zoo last weekend? No, they weren't.
6) Where was your teacher last week? She was in London.
2)Am I I'll?
3)Is Pete eight?
4)Are they at school?
5)Is she a teacher?