1. A: How long (1) (had you lived) in Sidney before you (2) (moved) back to London?
B: We (3) (had lived) in Sydney for ten years when the company that Richard (4) (was working) for (5) (offered) him a position at the London office.
A: (6) (8) (Did you want) to come back to London?
B: Yes. We (7) (were) both excited about coming home so Richard (accepted) the job immediately.
2. A: Where (1) (were) you yesterday afternoon? I (2) (was calling) you all afternoon but there (3) (was) no answer.
B: I (4) (was) at home but you (5) (probably rang) me when I (6) (was raking) the leaves outside in the garden. Why?
A: I (7) (had finished) all my errands and I (8) (thought) we could see a film.
3. A: Where (1) (did you buy) your car from?
B: Well, as you know, I (2) (had been looking) for a car for two months. Then, one day, as I (3) (was talking) to my uncle, he (4) (mentioned) that one of his friends (5) (wanted) to sell his car because he (6) (needed) the money. He (7) (had had) the car for three years and it (8) (was) in excellent condition. The best thing about it was that it only (9) (cost) me $ 3000.
Могу ли я задать вопрос?
Могу ли я сказать что-то здесь?
Вы действительно так думаете? Я с тобой согласен
Я не согласен с вами
Я тоже так думаю
Боюсь,что не могу с вами согласиться
Боюсь что это не правильно
Могу ли я прервать на минуту?
Средство общения
В наше время
множественного числа
извините но
такие как
Это именно то что я хотел сказать
Это очень верно
Они говорят