1)Она порезала свой палец. – She cut her finger
2)He is speaking with their mother. – Он разговаривает с их мамой.
3)They look after our children. – Они присматривают за нашими детьми
4)The teacher found his mistakes. – Учительница нашла его ошибки.
5)She wants to talk to your manager. – Она хочет поговорить с твоим менеджером.
6)Our family likes to rest in Crimea, we adore its nature. – Наша семья любит отдыхать в Крыму, мы обожаем его природу.
7)Becky! That is mine! – Это мое, Бекки!
8)This is not his car, his is blue. – Это не его машина, его – синяя.
9)My task is easier than yours. — Мое задание легче, чем твое.
10)Becky! That is mine! – Это мое, Бекки!
The Boysun Spring is a national festival in our country. It is held every year in spring to preserve old traditions. Singers, dancers, poets, craftsmen and guests from different regions come to Boysun to take part in the festival. A large camp is set up near the Baisuntau Mountains where musicians and dancers can perform. National dishes like palov, shurva, kabob and dimlama are prepared on the spot by local chefs called "oshpaz". There are many fields for kurash and kupkari. You can also visit workshops and meet with craftsmen.