Сначала о главном, да о грамматике, без неё никуда.
(a) few – используется с исчисляемыми существительными: cats, dogs…
(a) little – соответственно с неисчисляемыми: milk, money…
Когда же использовать few/little, а когда a few/a little?
Здесь весь фокус в том, какой смысл мы вкладываем в предложение:
a few – немного, несколько, но есть// few – очень мало, почти нет.
a little - немного, но есть// little - очень мало, почти нет.
Возьмём первый пример:
1. Не has got a few friends – у него есть несколько друзей
1. Не has got few friends – у него почти нет друзей
Почувствовала разницу?
А дальше можно так:
2. I drink little coffee. I don’t like it.
3. We must hurry. We’ve got very little time.
4. There are very few scholarships for students in this university.
5. The Smiths have a little money. They aren’t rich.
6. The theatre was almost empty. There were very few people there. (a person-people=plural noun)
7. There was (a) little lemonade in the bottle. There were (a) few peaches in the basket.
8. I have little time, so I can’t go with you. (time – uncountable/ может быть исчисляемым в значении «сколько раз – how many times»)
9. There is little ink in my pen. Have you got any ink?
10. There are a few bears in the zoo.(хочется надеяться, что a few, а не few)
Комментарий: в выражения very little и very few артикль не используется, но если другими словами, то по значению very little = little,а very few = few.
Good Luck!
1) India gained its independence after World War II .
2) This is the most successful presentation at the University.
3) My trousers are too long. I must shorten them.
4) He works quickly but carelessly so he makes a lot of mistakes.
5) Most people are satisfied with their living conditions.
6) His parents encourage him to take the exam.
7) His behaviour is so bad that even his parents can’t control him.
8) He watched the performance with obvious enjoyment.
9) The criminal situation in this area is too dangerous.
10) The results proved to be unpredictable. Nobody had expected this.
11) Popularity is the only thing he is looking for.
2 i visit my grandparent once a week.
3 i mop the floor twice a day.
4 i go shopping every day.
5 i go gym three days a week.
6 my mum washes dishes every day.
7 my mum goes to the concert every month.
8 my mum never plays football.
9 my mum goes to the restaurant every year.
10 my mum eats chocolate every weekend.