Do you like skiing?
Does he get up at 7?
Do you have meat for supper every day?
Does she go to work by bus?
Is she smart?
When does she go to bed?
What do you have for breakfast?
Where does she work?
Who are they?
What does she have?
We can dance well, can't we?
She is slim, isn't she?
He drives a car, doesn't he?
They have got a nice house, haven't they?
You don’t know him, do you?
You aren’t doctors, are you?
She can’t sing, can she?
I haven’t got a hat, have I?
Does she like coffee or tea?
Is he kind or angry?
Have you got green or blue eyes?
Can we speak English or Spanish?
Can they drive a car or a bus?
Who has a shower every day?
Who drinks coffee with milk?
Who can drive?
Who are pretty?
Who goes shopping every day?
1. A dish-dishes, an eagle-eagles, a class-classes, a woman-women, a deer-deer, a mouse-mice, a box-boxes, a tooth- teeth, an Englishman- Englishmen, a photo-photos, a wife-wives, a dish- dishes, a bench- benches, a hero-heroes, a family-families, a village- villages, a life- lives, a foot- feet, a phenomenon- phenomena, a day- days, a roof- roofs, a datum-data
2. Long- longer- the longest
silly- sillier- the silliest
successful- more successful- the most successful
happy- happier- the happiest
convenient- more convenient-the most convenient
nice- nicer- the nicest
difficult- more difficult- the most difficult
much- more- the most
good- better- the best
small- smaller- the smalliest
little- less- the least
poor-poorer-the poorest
clever- cleverer- the cleverest
unpleasant- more unpleasant- the most unpleasant
hot- hotter-the hottest
well- better- the best
1. Sheep are grass-eating animals
2. Where is money? I can't find it
3. Who has a chance to help me with tomorrow's test?
4. No news are good news
5. He has not any money. He is poor
6. Are women always right?
7. When John studied at college, economics is his favourite subject.
8. Where were you at 10 o'clock last Friday morning?
9. Today the weather is warm but tomorrow it will be colder
10. Did you have many friends in your childhood?
1. Your hands are dirty. Wash them
2. Their son is very hungry. Give him something to eat
3. Take some bread and put it on the table.
4.I haven't got a pen. Can you give it to me?
5. There are our coats. Give us our clothes.
6. The boy ha got a bike but he can't drive it
7. Alice is very busy. Help her, please
8. They invited David to stay with them in their house
9. Give me your photo and I'll give you mine
10. Look at this butterfly. Its wings are beautiful.
5. 1. Is there any snow outdoors? - Есть ли снег на улице?
2. There are three women on the photo. На фотографии три женщины
3. Is there any information for me?- Есть ли какая-нибудь информация для меня?
4. There are many children in the bus. В автобусе много детей
5. What is there in the glass?- Что в стакане?
6. There is not any ice-cream in the refrigerator. В холодильнике нет мороженого.
7. Are there any pictures on the wall?- На стене есть картины?
8. There was only one night club in the town 20 years ago. - В городе был только один ночной клуб 20 лет назадю
9. In a year there will be a new supermarket near my house.- Через год возле моего дома будет новый супермаркет
10. Were there many teenagers at yesterday's party?- На вчерашней вечеринке было много подростков?
Can он же can not он же can't- не могу, не может, не могут.