We use the future continuous (will be + verb-ing), for an action which will be in progress at a stated future time. This time next week, I'll be skydiving.Time expressions: this time next week/month, etc.use the future perfect (will have + past participle), for an action that will be finished before another action at a stated future time. By the time he arrives, we will have finished our wood sculpting class. Time expressions: before, by, by the time, until/till.
1 This time next Saturday, we shall be (canoeing) on the lake next to our house.
2 She will be (skiing) on the mountains this time next week.
3 He will not have finished his piano lesson by the time his parents come home.
Bethany Hamilton is a professional American surfer. In addition to her sports career, she became famous as a victim of a shark attack, in which a shark bit off her left hand.Despite the injury, Bethany decided to return to surfing. Less than a month after her discharge, she was already standing on the blackboard.
After returning, Bethany was able to become a prize-winner of several major competitions, the biggest victory was the second place at the World Junior Championships in 2009.
Бе́тани Хэ́милтон профессиональная американская сёрфингистка. Помимо своей спортивной карьеры, известность получила как жертва нападения акулы, при котором акула откусила ей левую руку.Несмотря на травму, Бетани решила вернуться в сёрфинг. Менее чем через месяц после выписки она уже стояла на доске.
После возвращения Бетани смогла стать призёром нескольких крупных соревнований, крупнейшей победой стало второе место на чемпионате мира среди юниоров в 2009 году.
has originated
has won
didnt find
has never ate