Television and computer games will soon lead to disappearing of books
Our life is constantly changing with the arrival of new technologies. Some people believe that television and computer games will soon replace books.
I think this opinion is wrong. Modern people really often watch TV and play computer games. For some professions, computers have become the main helpers. Many teenagers love playing games on their computers and smartphones. But let us ask ourselves: where do the texts that we upload to our computers, laptops and tablets come from? From books. Books are part of the world cultural heritage. Many films that we watch on TV are based on the works of writers and playwrights. If books disappear, it means that only commercials and football matches will be shown on TV. But people have different intelligence. Some of them love watching or playing sports, while others enjoy reading fiction. Just think of the great importance and value of libraries all over the world! How much knowledge, secrets and discoveries are in them.
So in my opinion, books will always be with us, as long as our civilization exists on this planet.
Телевидение и компьютерные игры в скором времени приведут к исчезновению книг
Наша жизнь постоянно меняется с появлением новых технологий. Некоторые люди считают, что телевидение и компьютерные игры скоро заменят книги.
Я думаю, что это мнение неверно. Современные люди действительно часто смотрят телевизор и играют в компьютерные игры. Для некоторых профессий компьютеры стали основными Многие подростки любят играть в игры на своих компьютерах и смартфонах. Но давайте спросим себя: откуда берутся тексты, которые мы загружаем в наши компьютеры, ноутбуки и планшеты? Из книг. Книги являются частью мирового культурного наследия. Многие фильмы, которые мы смотрим по телевизору, сняты по произведениям писателей и драматургов. Если книги исчезнут, значит, по телевизору будут показывать только рекламу и футбольные матчи. Но у людей разный интеллект. Некоторые любят смотреть спорт или заниматься им, в то время как другие любят читать художественную литературу. Только подумайте об огромной важности и ценности библиотек во всем мире! Сколько в них знаний, секретов и открытий.
Так что, на мой взгляд, книги всегда будут с нами, пока наша цивилизация существует на этой планете.
The Russian Federation is a free union of a number of regions, territories and autonomous republics, for example, Karelia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mordovia and others.
The highest legislative body of the Russian Federation is Duma, the name of the Russian Parliament which consists of two chambers. The executive power is held by the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. The candidate of the Prime-Minister, put forward by the head of the state, is to be approved by Duma.
The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is the most important political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre of the country.
Within an historically short period my country has achieved a great success in all spheres of industry, technology, science, democracy and cultural life. The rights of man are guaranteed by the Constitution and by the public consciousness, a new way of thinking. All forms of property (of means of production) are regarded as equal. The country's economy is being transformed into a free market mode!.
Nowadays Russia remains a powerful state enjoying a high reputation among other nations of the world. It plays an important part in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It is a peace-loving country and a member of the United Nations Security Council.