1. Many people prefer coffee to tea. 2. How many of those word you don't understand? 3. I like expensive cars a lot but cannot aford them. 4. To make this cake you'll need 2 cups of flour, 3 eggs, raisins and milk. 5. My friend has 2 kids, a boy and a girl. 6. Do you read fashion magazines? 7. I know a lot about computers and my friends often ask me what to do if they have problems with their PCs. 8. Take a pillow and a blanket with you because I won't be able to find bedding for all the guests. 9. How much are these apples? 10. Which one of those women is your Granny? это пример
Summer holidays Summer holidays are the longest holidays. I like them very much! In June I went to the seaside with my parents. The water in the Black Sea was very warm. We swam and sunbathed. There were different kinds of entertainments there. Best of all I liked water scooters and discos. We also played volleyball on the beach and made sculptures of sand. Then I spent two weeks in the summer camp. I made a lot of new friends. Every day we enjoyed something special - games, competitions, performances. There was no river, but there was a swimming pool where we could swim. We had discos every night. It was a real fun. In August I visited my grandparents. There I enjoyed fresh air and helped my grandparents to dig the garden, to gather fruit and vegetables. I went fishing with my grandfather. During my summer holidays I made new friends, read a lot of interesting books, knew many useful things.
In Russia, the system of education begins with kindergarten, where children are to the age of six. From 6 to 9 years children attend a primary school, where they study the elementary mathematics, learn to read, write and count. The following degree of education in Russia is a secondary school where children can finish 9 or 11 grades. After finishing grade 9 students can continue their education at school or a technical school, they can go to a college or a vocational school. After finishinf a secondary school students can study in universities and institutes of the country. Most importantly is to pass their final exams well. Education in Russia is free, but the budget places aren't enough for all students, so each institution has a commercial department, where they students whose parents have a financial opportunity can get higher education.
ПЕРЕВОД. В России система образования начинается с детского сада, куда дети ходят до шестилетнего возраста. С 6 до 9 лет дети посещают начальную школу, где изучают элементарную математику, учатся читать, писать и считать. Следующая степень образования в России это средняя школа, в которой дети могут окончить 9 классов или 11. После окончания 9 класса ученики могут продолжить получать образование в школе или в техникуме, они могут поступить в колледж или училище. После окончания полной средней школы ученики могут обучаться в институтах и университетах страны. Главное, хорошо сдать выпускные экзамены. Образование в России бесплатное, но бюджетных мест всем ученикам не хватает, поэтому в каждом учебном заведении есть коммерческие отделения, где могут получать образование те студенты, у родителей которых есть такая финансовая возможность.
2. How many of those word you don't understand?
3. I like expensive cars a lot but cannot aford them.
4. To make this cake you'll need 2 cups of flour, 3 eggs, raisins and milk.
5. My friend has 2 kids, a boy and a girl.
6. Do you read fashion magazines?
7. I know a lot about computers and my friends often ask me what to do if they have problems with their PCs.
8. Take a pillow and a blanket with you because I won't be able to find bedding for all the guests.
9. How much are these apples?
10. Which one of those women is your Granny?
это пример