Able to leap* from building to building at a single bound! That’s Superman, our most favourite superhero!
His real ‘parents’ were high school students Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster from Cleveland, Ohio. Jerry and Joe were rather shy and unpopular at school, so they made up a superhero to live a life of fantasy through him!
As the story goes, Superman came from dying planet Krypton.
As Clark grew older, he gained strength from the Sun. By the time he was an adult he was able to fly, fire heat vision from his eyes and see through walls. From that point, he was Superman.
He is the superhero we all know and love!
перепрыгивать* со здания на здание одним прыжком! Это Супермен, наш самый любимый супергерой! Его настоящими "родителями" были старшеклассники Джерри Сигел и Джо Шустер из Кливленда, штат Огайо. Джерри и Джо были довольно застенчивыми и непопулярными в школе, поэтому они придумали супергероя, чтобы жить фантазийной жизнью через него! Как гласит история, Супермен прибыл с умирающей планеты Криптон. По мере того как Кларк становился старше, он набирался сил от Солнца. К тому времени, когда он стал взрослым, он уже мог летать, излучать тепловое зрение из своих глаз и видеть сквозь стены. С этого момента он стал Суперменом. Он - супергерой, которого мы все знаем и любим!
1) Michael Corleone said that there were many things his father had taught him there in that room and he added that he had taught him to keep his friends close, but his enemies closer.
2) Harry Potter said that Ron thought he didn't know how that felt.
3) Ron Weasley said that Harry did not know how it felt because his parents were dead and added that Harry had no family.
4) Marion Ravenswood said that he was not the man she had known ten years before.
5) Indiana Jones said that it was not the years, it was the mileage.
6) William Wallace said they might take their lives, but they would never take their freedom.
7) Solomon Northup said he didn't want to survive, he wanted to live.
There is more.