Present Simple
I / We / You / They + V She / He / It + V + s (es)
I go to work every day — Я хожу на работу каждый день
Чтобы составить отрицательное предложение — нужно поставить вс глагол между подлежащим и глаголом.
I / We / You / They + do not (don’t) + V She / He / It + does not (doesn’t) + V
He doesn't drive the car — Он не водит машину
При составлении вопросительных предложений вс глагол ставится перед подлежащим и последующим глаголом. Обычно — в начало предложения.
Do I / We / You / They + V Does She / He / It + does not (doesn’t) + V
Do you like pizza? — Тебе нравится пицца?
Present Continuous
I am working now- Я работаю сейчас
I am = I'm
are not = are't
is not = isn
She isn't working now-Она не работает сейчас.
Смысловой глагол+am/are/is+подлежащее+Ving+...?
Are we working now?-Мы сейчас работаем?
Present Perfect
I/We/You/They + have + 3-я форма глагола
He/She/It + has + 3-я форма глагола
It has turned off. – Оно выключилось
I/We/You/They + have not + 3-я форма глагола
He/She/It + has not + 3-я форма глагола
They have not come. – Они не пришли
Have + I/we/you/they + 3-я форма глагола
Has + he/she/it + 3-я форма глагола
Have we gone? – Мы ушли?
Present Perfect Continuous
I/We/You/They + have been + глагол-ing
He/She/It + has been + глагол-ing
He has been running. – Он бегает
I/We/You/They + have not been + глагол-ing
He/She/It + has not been + глагол-ing
She has not been laughing. – Она не смеется.
Have + I/we/you/they + been глагол-ing
Has + he/she/it + been глагол-ing
Have I been reading? – Я читаю
1. He always drinks tea. He had already drunk his tea. He's drinking tea now.
2. I've never been on a plane. Look! I'm on a plane. I often fly on an airplane.
3.She's driving at the moment. She's been driving since she was 18. She doesn't drive.
4. We just bought a gift. We rarely buy gifts. We are buying now
a gift.
5. I go to the movies very often. I'm going to the movies now. I already went to the movies.
6.She has been growing roses since she was 15. She doesn't grow roses. Look! She grows
7.We broke a vase. Listen! We break a vase. We always break the vase.
8.He doesn't eat it. He is eating it at the moment. He just ate it.
2who bring in
3.while we were waiting if she had been betrayed
5.rinsing their teeth in the new red wine
6.when the basket could hold no more
7.watching the locals