1) Jack must read the newspaper in his study. 2) My father will go to the clinic to be EXAMINEd by the clinic. 3) The goods were DELIVERed at the beginning of May. 4) I think we'd better GET OUT of this place right now. 5) Our manager decided NOT to TAKE extra risks. 6) The weather seems to be IMPROVing these days. 7) Most of the beatiful buildings SEEn in Tverskaya Street have been built in the last twenty years. 8) Michael cannot REFUSE to help her with her heavy bags. 9) The letter may have been SENt to the wrong address.
Привет Паула Школа закончена! Я так счастлив, что я сдал свои экзамены! Несколько друзей и я собираемся в поход этим летом. Хочешь ли ты придти? Есть ли у тебя любое оборудование для кемпинга, котророе мы могли бы использовать? Я знаю, что ты жила в палатке раньше. Надеюсь ты присоединишься. Если у тебя есть любые вопросы, немедленно спрашивай! Скорее ответь на письмо. Том. You go to England. Your English friend, Tom, sent you a letter asking. Read e-mail Tom and notes that you have made. Respond to e-mail Tom, using all your notes. (120-150 words) Hi Paula School is over! I'm so happy that I passed my exams! A few friends and I are going camping this summer. Do you want to come? Do you have any camping equipment, kotroroe we could use? I know that you have lived in a tent before. I hope you join. If you have any questions, ask me immediately! Rather a response to the letter. Tom. Это нужно перевести на англ. если да то вот Hi Tom.I not know if I can but I would rather have you see .Tak course I have it will bringnow I live in a house last summer I had built. And you like it? Come to visit me. I would be happy to see you. Waiting Goodbye.
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