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09.01.2023 19:54 •  Английский язык

Перевести текст: st. petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities of europe, has played an important role in russian history. founded by peter i the great in 1703 it was the capital of the russian empire for two centuries. st. petersburg was the scene of two revolutions. after the revolutions of 1917 it was renamed into leningrad and became the capital of the new republic. during world war ii the city was besieged and fiercely defended. st. petersburg is situated on the neva river. the city once spread across nearly 100 islands. canals and natural channels make st. petersburg a city of waterways and bridges. the modern city is important as a cultural and industrial centre and as the nation's largest seaport. in 1991 st. petersburg got its original name back. central st. petersburg is divided by the neva river into four parts: the admiralty side, vasilyevsky island, the petrograd side, and the vyborg side. the admiralty side is rich in museums, monuments, historical buildings and squares. from the admiralty, the heart of peter's city, an avenue known as nevsky prospect runs eastward. there are a lot of palaces, churches, stores, cafes, and theatres there. st. petersburg is proud of its rich architecture that includes the cathedral of the peter-paul fortress, the summer palace, the winter palace, the smolny convent, the kazan and st. isaac's cathedrals, the smolny institute, the new admiralty, and the senate. there are many important educational and scientific research centres in st. petersburg. among these are: the university of saint petersburg, the academy of fine arts, the institute of mines, and the military medical academy. st. petersburg is a city of culture. there are a lot of theatres and concert halls there. the mariinsky theatre has long enjoyed an international reputation, and its resident company is frequently on tour abroad. other important theatres are the mali, gorky, pushkin, and musical comedy theatres. famous museums include the state russian museum, which specialises in russian painting, and the hermitage with a rich collection of western european painting. in 1764 the hermitage was founded by catherine ii the great as a court museum. it was opened to the public in 1852! after the october revolution of 1917, the imperial collections became public property. the hermitage has a rich collection of western european painting since the middle ages, including many masterpieces by renaissance italian and baroque dutch, flemish, and french painters. russian art is well represented. the hermitage also has extensive holdings of oriental art. in st. petersburg there are many stadiums and other outdoor recreation facilities provided by the zoo, the botanical gardens, and numerous other parks and gardens.

Санкт-Петербург, один из красивейших городов в Европе, играющий важную роль в истории России. Основан Петром I Великим в 1703, был столицей Российской Империи на протяжении двух веков. Санкт-Петербург был сценой двух революций. После революции 1917 года, он был переименован в Ленинград и стал столицей новой Республики. Во время Второй мировой войны город был осажден и защищен. Санкт-Петербург расположен на реке Неве. Однажды город был разбросан почти на 100 островов. Искусственные и натуральные каналы делают Санкт-Петербург городом водных путей и мостов. Современный город важен как культурный и промышленный центр и как крупнейший морской порт страны. В 1991 году, Санкт-Петербург получил свое первоначальное название обратно. Центральный Санкт-Петербург делится на четыре части: Адмиралтейская сторона, Васильевский остров, Петроградская сторона и Выборгская сторона. Адмиралтейская сторона богата музеями, памятниками, историческими зданиями и площадями. От Адмиралтейской стороны, сердце города Петра, проспект известный как Невский проспект, проходит в восточном направлении. Здесь много дворцов, церквей, магазинов, кафе и театров. 
Санкт-Петербург гордится своей богатой архитектурой, которая включает в себя собор Петропавловской крепости, Летний дворец, Зимний дворец, Смольный монастырь, Казанский и Исаакиевский соборы, Смольный институт, Новое Адмиралтейство и Сенат. Здесь есть много важных образовательных и научно-исследовательских центров в Санкт-Петербурге. Среди них: Университет Санкт-Петербурга, Академии художеств, Горного института и Военно-медицинской академии.
Санкт-Петербург является городом культуры. Здесь есть много театров и концертных залах. Мариинский театр уже давно пользуется международной репутацией, и его компания-резидент появляется часто на гастролях за рубежом. Остальные важные театры - Мали, Горький, Пушкин и театр музыкальной комедии. Известные музеи включают Государственный русский музей, который специализируется на русской живописи, и Эрмитаж, который богат западноевропейской живописью.  В 1764 году Эрмитаж был основан Екатериной II Великой в качестве придворного музея. Он был открыт для публики в 1852 году! После Октябрьской революции 1917 года, императорские коллекции стали государственной собственностью. Эрмитаж богат коллекцией западноевропейской живописи со времен средневековья, включая многие шедевры эпохи Возрождения и барокко, фламандских и французских художников. Российское искусство хорошо представлено. Эрмитаж также имеет обширные запасы восточного искусства.В Санкт-Петербурге есть много стадионов и других объектов отдыха на открытом воздухе, предоставляемые зоопарком, ботанические сады и множество других парков и садов. 
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For some people shopping can be very addicting. This can be especially true for women. They can spend many hours shopping at many kinds of stores. 
Shopping can be a good hobby if you want to be fashionable. You can keep up with the latest trends and always stay in fashion. But on the other hand, if one shops too much, then perhaps they will have much less money, and even get too addicted to shopping. 
Shopping is also beneficial for the economy. As consumers buy, the businesses get money and can continue to work. 
I sometimes also go shopping, but I try to do it in moderation. I think that is the most important when it comes to addicting hobbies like shopping. 
4,7(85 оценок)
People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one thing in which people of every nationality and class are united.

The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunt­ing, hockey and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow — skating, skiing and tobogganing. Some people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping.

Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest; this game is played in all the countries of the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are golf, lawn-tennis, cricket, volley-ball, basket-ball, and so on. Badminton is also very popular.

All the year round many people indulge in boxing, wres­tling, athletics, gymnastics and track and field events. Scores of young girls and women go in for callisthenics.

Among indoor games the most popular are billiards, ta­ble tennis, draughts and some others, but the great interna­tional game is chess, of course. The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by thousands of enthusiasts in different countries.

So we may say that sport is one of the things that makes all people kin.
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