Семья и семейные ценности – это два понятия, которые не могут существовать друг без друга. Семейные ценности теряют свое значение, если не будет семьи. А семья не имеет возможности существовать без основополагающих принципов, которые смогут сохранить ее целостность и духовное здоровье. Семейные ценности – это отношение человека к человеку, насыщенные любовью и заботой. Мужчина и женщина, создавая союз, привносят в него каждый свое, и все это вместе образует фундамент семейных отношений, создают атмосферу, в которой будут рождаться и расти их дети..
1. ... was in the classroom. It was too early in the morning. (nobody) 2. That's Kelly's cousin. I like ... because she is nice. (her) 3. How ... she get to her brother's place? (does) 4. He said that he ... for the party that's why he didn't go there. (hadn't been invited) 5. We couldn't find the cat ... . (anywhere) 6. "Where does John live?" Alice asked. (Alice asked where John lived) 7. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes ... . (land of freedom) 8. Sholes needed to know ... to solve the problem. (the most used letters) 9. The Mississippi begins as a small ... . (creek) 10. The colour of birds ... other birds. (warns)
1. ... was in the classroom. It was too early in the morning. (nobody) 2. That's Kelly's cousin. I like ... because she is nice. (her) 3. How ... she get to her brother's place? (does) 4. He said that he ... for the party that's why he didn't go there. (hadn't been invited) 5. We couldn't find the cat ... . (anywhere) 6. "Where does John live?" Alice asked. (Alice asked where John lived) 7. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes ... . (land of freedom) 8. Sholes needed to know ... to solve the problem. (the most used letters) 9. The Mississippi begins as a small ... . (creek) 10. The colour of birds ... other birds. (warns)