Buyer:Hello!Seller:Hello!Customer:please Give me 2,5% milk.Seller: Here you are.The buyer looks carefully at the packaging of milk and sees that it's expired.Buyer:Your milk expired,call the administrator;Seller:don't need admin,I will give you new milk;Customer:But according to the rules of your store(If the product is damaged it can be returned back and will give you a new one,but free)Seller:You're right;The buyer:the Buyer is always right!The seller went for the milk and gave it to the ego of the buyer.Seller:Here's your milk;Buyer:Thank you very muchSeller:Exceptionally,come againBuyer:goodbye. ПЕРЕВОД: Покупатель:Здравствуйте!Продавец:Здравствуйте!Покупатель:Дайте мне молоко.Продавец: Вот Покупатель внимательно смотрит на упаковку с молоком и видит что оно просроченное.Покупатель:Ваше молоко просрочено,позовите администратора;Продавец:Не надо администратора,я сейчас дам вам новое молоко;Покупатель:Но согласно правилам вашего магазина(Если продукт испорчен его можно вернуть обратно и вам дадут новый,но бесплатно)Продавец:Вы правы;Покупатель:Покупатель всегда прав!Продавец сходил за молоком и отдал эго покупателю.Продавец:Вот ваше молоко;Покупатель большоеПродавец:Неза-что,приходите ещеПокупатель:До свидание.
When it is warm, I take off my coat. It is a funny situation but she looks very unhappy. An interpreter translates from one language into another. I recommend you to go to this new restaurant. City Museum closes at 5 o’clock in the evening. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Julia is a teacher. She teaches Maths to young children. Wool comes from sheep. In Britain the banks usually open at 9.30 in the morning. Nick usually sleeps eight hours a night. The sun sets in the west. Ann and I are good friends. We have lots in common. Sue always arrives at work early. The Earth goes round the Sun. Food is very expensive in this country. It costs a lot of money. Plants need water to grow. Caterpillars turn into butterflies. My job is very interesting. I meet a lot of people. Tony is 34 and he has 73 prizes from skateboarding competitions. Shoes are very expensive. They cost a lot of money.