The question about pros and cons of city and village life has recently become very acute. More and more people leave their city flats and move to detached houses in villages or simple small country houses. They realize that anything is better than city smoke, pollution and noise.
Speaking of advantages of city life, which are left behind, we should mention the variety of cultural establishments which are very important for modern generation and their further education. I mean libraries, theaters, museums, art galleries, concert halls, large bookstores, colleges, universities and other city institutions. Many people simply can't live without going out to posh restaurants, coffee houses, pizza and sushi places. Such pastime has become increasingly popular. That's why most young people, especially students, try to stay in the city.
However, when they become older and wiser, they understand that nothing can be better than fresh country air in the morning.
Here I'd like to mention the main advantages of villages. First of all, it's the absence of pollution which comes from modern factories and numerous cars. Thus, the air in the country is much cleaner. Secondly, it's the absence of rush and noise. As a result, people in the village can sleep longer and healthier. The following proverb is true for them: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Most villages are surrounded by astounding views. There are thick forests, crystal clear lakes, mountain rivers and other natural wonders. And that's another reason why people tend to spend more time in the countryside.
Вопрос о преимуществах и недостатках городской и деревенской жизни в последнее время стал очень актуальным. Все больше и больше людей покидают свои городские квартиры и переезжают в частные дома в деревнях или просто в небольшие дачные дома. Они понимают, что все лучше, чем городской дым, загрязнение и шум.
Говоря о преимуществах городской жизни, о которых мы забываем, следует отметить многообразие культурных учреждений, которые очень важны для современного поколения и их дальнейшего образования. Я имею в виду библиотеки, театры, музеи, художественные галереи, концертные залы, книжные супермаркеты, колледжи, университеты и прочие городские учреждения. Многие люди просто не могут жить без шикарных ресторанов, кафе, пиццерий и суши ресторанов. Такое времяпрепровождение становится все более популярным. Вот почему большинство молодых людей, особенно студенты, стараются быть в городе.
Тем не менее, когда они становятся старше и мудрее, они понимают, что ничто не может быть лучше, чем свежий деревенский воздух по утрам.
Здесь я хотел бы отметить основные преимущества сельской жизни. Прежде всего, это отсутствие загрязнения, которое идет от современных заводов и большого количества машин. Таким образом, воздух в деревнях гораздо чище. Во-вторых, это отсутствие суеты и шума. В результате, у людей в деревне сон дольше и более здоровый. Про них верна следующая пословица: «Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет». Большая часть деревень окружена поразительными пейзажами. Это густые леса, кристально чистые озера, горные реки и другие природные красоты. И это еще одна причина, по которой люди хотят проводить больше времени в сельской местности.
My family is comparatively small. It’s just me, my parents and our pets. We have two pets: a cat Sally and a hamster Alex. At weekends I often go shopping with my parents. We visit the nearest hypermarket and some other stores in the same building. This hypermarket, which is called “Lenta”, is my favourite shop, because we can find all the necessary things in one place. We buy fresh food, presents, stationery, household appliances and many other items there. We don’t even need to go to the bakery or grocery, as everything can be found in this huge shop. At first sight it reminds a large storage of vital items. Last week we bought swimming suits and sandals for the beach holiday. We also bought a new vacuum-cleaner, as the old one broke down. As you see, hypermarket offers a wide range of products. My parents say that there weren’t any supermarkets and hypermarkets in their childhood. They had to go to several places to buy various products. In my opinion, such stores are simply indispensablein each city or town. They have lots of advantages. First of all, you can buy everything you need at one place. Secondly, hypermarkets often offer discounts or sales opportunities. Thirdly, I like the shopping carts in hypermarkets. They are of great help when we buy lots of things. In the same building there is an exchange booth, a chemist’s, a dry-cleaner’s and a travel agency. In case we have heavy bags, we call a taxi to come and pick us up.