А. Распредели слова по столбикам в зависимости от правила чтения буквы y. [ai] [i] dry Вetsy my jelly eye History bue Geography
Б. Напиши,какие глаза,уши,нос,голова,ноги,хвост и тело у этих животных. 1. An elephant has got a FAT body. 2. A frog has got BIG eyes. 3. A mouse has got a LONG tail. 4. A sheep has got THIN legs. 5. A dog has got BIG ears. 6. An elephant has got a LONG nose. 7. A dog has got a BIG head.
Как-то вот так попробуй. 1. The newspaper printing is unusual activity because the new information must be prepared every day. 2. The newspaper reporting start with preparing (collection) the information for the newspaper. 3. There are a wide difference of content in addition to informational and political reports in the newspapers and magazines, for example humorous essays and ect. 4. Human interest stories may be called "for everyone". 5. There are a lot of sports articles, reports about people, sciense, art and technique in the newspapers. Articles about the space are also very popular. 6. Human interest stories are often written in an interview form. 7. It`s very important to ask the first question correctly. Another problem is to keep the conversation going. 8. Other everyday topics are reports about crime, medical and political articles.