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I present to you the most interesting facts about the city of Great Britain London.The exact age of London is unknown, but judging by the found chronicles, it is about two thousand years old.
In London's Taura, a special caretaker watches the crows that live there. There is a legend that Great Britain will fall when these birds leave the Tower (see interesting facts about birds).
There are two types of taxis in London - regular and traditional London cabs. To get a cab driver license, you need to pass the most difficult exam for knowing absolutely all of London's streets, because traditionally cab drivers do not use maps or navigators.
London is the largest city in the European Union, and concurrently the second largest in Europe as a whole.
Founded by the Romans, London was originally called in the Roman manner - Londinium.
For a hundred years, from 1985 to 1925, London was the largest city in the world.
1.Mickey Mouse is famous for being the “star” of hundreds of Disney animated films, beginning with his official debut in Steamboat Willie (1928), and then being featured in comic strips, television shows (especially The Mickey Mouse Club
2.Created Stan Lee
3.Walt Disney (05.12.1901 - 15.12.1966) - American entrepreneur, cartoonist. Walt Disney is the person who created the magical world of dreams for children. His heroes became legends, whereas he had changed the whole concept of film industry.
4.The future director's family was pretty poor. In his childhood he worked as a newspaper man. As a teenager he worked as a driver in the army. Returning home, he took up art as a major interest. As he always had a talent for drawing, he was able to get a job in an advertising studio as an artist. He first created exclusive video content. He was especially good at making short sketches.
5.The Walt Disney Company started in 1923 in the rear of a small office occupied by Holly-Vermont Realty in Los Angeles. It was there that Walt Disney, and his brother Roy, produced a series of short live-action/animated films collectively called the ALICE COMEDIES.
6.32 Academy Awards
February is Awards Season, and The Walt Disney Family Museum is celebrating, with film presentations and visitor programs throughout the month
7.John Wayne . Marlon Brando
8.December 15, 1966 Disney died in Los Angeles of lung cancer caused by long-term smoking.