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Сочинение на английском языке с переводом
Почему я выбрала медицинский класс?
Сочинение на английском языке с переводом
Почему я выбрала медицинский класс?
23 января 2014 - Иванова Евгения
Уровень B. Прочее.
Why have I chosen a medical class
My friends used to ask me a question, ”Why have you chosen a medical class?” But I didn’t know what to answer them. But now I know why.
I made my choice being in Grade 8. I chose a medical class. These are my reasons. Biology is a science about life. I think that biology takes an important place in human life and in my life too. In class we study Botany, Zoology, Anatomy, and Human Physiology. In the classes of Botany we get much information about the structure of plants and their functions. In the classes of Zoology we get various information about our “small brothers”. In the classes of Anatomy we get amazing information man and the human body.
Besides, I like Chemistry too. To study Chemistry is a very interesting process. We study the theory, and we also have practical training. We mix various substances and watch the reactions, for example, the change of color or the liberation of gases.
Certainly, I want to be a doctor because I like to help people. To be a doctor is a hard job. The doctor bears much responsibility for his actions and not only criminal but also moral. Doctors are reserved, purposeful,and merciful people. As for me, I want to be a surgeon. I want to make hard operations, save my patients’ lives so that I could see the happy smile of these people after recovering. Each patient seems to me to be a small lump of dying-away life in the hands of a skilled doctor. The doctor will surely help.
Biology and other medical sciences are my life. I spend much time on my studies, and it is a real pleasure for me. I am eager to be a doctor, and I will become for sure. It is my most treasured dream!
1) Now the brown bear has disappeared over most of its range; in other areas is small. In Western Europe, its fragmented populations survived in the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains, Alps and Apennines. It is quite common in Scandinavia and Finland, found in the forests of Central Europe and the Carpathians.
4) The brown bear is omnivorous, but its diet is 3/4 plant: berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and grass stems. In lean years for berries in the northern regions, bears visit crops of oats, and in the southern - crops of corn; in the Far East in the fall they feed in cedar forests.
5) The brown bear lies in the den before the cold, harsh winter comes.
There is an opinion that the bear is “unsociable” and therefore prefers to select hard-to-reach places for wintering, today, in connection with the work of forestry equipment and other modern means, bears get used to civilization and often look for a place to winter near roads and villages.
2) This is one of the largest and most dangerous species of terrestrial predators. About twenty subspecies of brown bear stand out, differing in appearance and distribution area.There is a high withers, as well as a fairly massive head with small ears and eyes. The length of the relatively short tail varies between 6.5-21.0 cm. The paws are quite strong and well developed, with powerful and non-retractable claws. The feet are very wide, five-fingered.
Brown bear sizes
The average length of a brown bear that lives in the European part, as a rule, is about one and a half to two meters with a body weight in the range of 135-250 kg. The individuals inhabiting the middle zone of our country are slightly smaller in size and can weigh about 100-120 kg.The largest are Far Eastern bears and grizzlies, the sizes of which often reach three meters.