John asked Mary if she would like to go for a new film with him
Mary answered that she would be busy that evening and asked him what time the film would begin.
John said that the film would begin at half past eight
Mary said that was all right. She thought that she would have enough time to do all she was planning to.
Peter asked Ann how long was she going to stay there. Ann said that she was going to stay there a fortnight. Peter said that she would have enough time to see the sights and asked her if she would like to begin the next morning. Ann said that she would love to.
A man asked Ann if she could speak English. Ann said that she spoke a little. A man asked her if she could tell him how he got to Read Square from there. Ann said that he could take the 12 bus and it would not take him ten minutes to get there. A man thanked Anna. Anna told him that not at all.
в вашем тексте есть ошибки, я их исправила:
Hannah: How was your holiday, Alisha?
Alisha: I didn't go, in the end! I didn't get to the airport and I missed the plane!
Hannah: What? Oh no! What happened?
Alisha: Well, we didn't get up on time. My alarm clock didn't wake me up.
Hannah: What time was the plane?
Alisha: Ten o'clock.
вот перевод:
Ханна: Как твой отпуск, Алиша?
Алиша: Я не пошла, в конце концов! Я не добралась до аэропорта и опоздала на самолет!
Ханна: Что? О нет! Что случилось?
Алиша: Ну, мы встали не вовремя. Будильник меня не разбудил.
Ханна: В какое время самолет?
Алиша: В десять часов.