You speak French, don’t you?
Вы говорите по-французски, не правда ли?
You are looking for something, aren’t you?
Вы что-то ищете, не правда ли?
Pete works at a plant, doesn’t he?
Пит работает на фабрике, не так ли?
I can go now, can’t I?
Я могу теперь идти, не правда ли?
You do not know how to answer the question, do you?
No, I don’t. - Yes, I do.
Вы не знаете, как ответить на этот вопрос, не так ли?
Да, я не знаю. - Нет, я знаю.
You will not go there, will you?
No, I shan’t. - Yes, I shall.
Вы не пойдете туда, не так ли?
Да, я не пойду. - Нет, я пойду.
You haven’t been to Moscow yet, have you?
No, I haven’t. - Yes, I have.
Ты до сих пор так и не был в Москве, не так ли?
Да, не был. - Нет, был.
Modern Russia faced a huge problem which is concluded first of all in decrease in level of culture of society.The reason for that is misunderstanding of value and huge value of these subjects. And after all music, reflecting life and carrying out an informative role, influences the person, cultivates his feelings, forms tastes. It finds echoes of that worried in music, felt. Having the wide range of the contents, music enriches the emotional world of the listener. So one of the main tasks of musical education – formation of the identity of the child, so, and the person and, respectively, proceeding from education of an individual, society as a whole comes to light.
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