Исправьте ошибки 1. travelling on helicopter is exciting. 2. we have ever been live in belarus for 3 years. 3. none of his parents realized the danger. 4. there are not seats enought for everubody. 5. his advice are usually useful.
By вместо on. Travelling by helicopter... ever лишнее have been living. We have been living in.. No one. No one of his parents realized the danger everybody and enough. There aren't enough seats for everybody His advice is usually useful. или His advices are usually useful
The Big Stores I went into one of the big London stores today and enjoyed myself very much walking from one department to another looking at various articles on the counters. I thought the shop assistants were very helpful. There were hundreds of salesman and dozens of different departments. I went from one department to another — from umbrella to gloves, up and down, in lifts and on escalators. I was surprised to meet an old friend of mine whom I hadn’t met for years. We talked a little and then did som e shopping together. I helped her to buy some presents for her children. I was so glad to meet her again after twelve years and invited her to come to our place on Sunday.
a kilo of potatoes a packet of tea a box of matches a tube of toothpaste a tin of sardines a loaf of bread a pound of butter a jar of honey a bag of sugar a bottle of milk
The lady was calling for Tom,but he didn't answer.She was wondering where he's at? She looked in his room and found some Tom's spectacles.Then she said " Well, If I find you I'l.. She looked under bed and he wasn't here then she went to the garden and screamed Yo u u Tom! Then she heard a noise and found him. She asked him what is he doing there he said nothing,nothing. Then she told him "I know what is that. It's jam! - I Told you forty time to leave alone this jam! She had to make him work it was his punishing. It was hard to make him work cause it was Saturday. All boys had holiday and Tom hates to work more than everything. But he needs harsh discipline, and she got some of duty for him,or she'll ruin child.
ever лишнее have been living. We have been living in..
No one. No one of his parents realized the danger
everybody and enough. There aren't enough seats for everybody
His advice is usually useful. или His advices are usually useful