Ann couldn't imagine Tom had done it.
Tom said he hadn't thought about it. He just had done it.
Ann asked if Tom had been alone and why he had done it.
Tom said he hadn't been alone. There had been a lot of people. They had been watching him. He was fond of it. He said he was going to jump the next time. He asked if Ann wanted to come with him. Ann didn't think so/wanted to reject the suggestion. She was afraid.
Tom told Ann not to be silly. He would show her what to do. Ann said (OK) she would think about it.
Существительные: communication, information, source, stations, customers, frequency, telegaphy, half.
Глаголы: to transfer, to stand out, to see, to cover, to use, to exchange, is, are.
Наречия: quickly, conveniently, approximately.
Прилагательные: automatic, rotary, international.
2.Information - informate, communication - communicate, international - national, exchange - change, frequency - frequent, automatic - automatical, telegraphy - telegraph, rotary - rotate, equipped - equipment, switching - switch, customers - custom, users - use, wiring - wire, subscribe, - prescribe.
1.2. She doesn't gets 10$ a week from her mother.
2. Do they never play their brother's PlayStation?
2.1. They don't ever play their brother's PlayStation.
3. Do they go camping on Sunday?
3.2. They don't go camping on Sunday?
4. Does he prefer watching reality shows?
4.2. He doesn't prefer watching reality shows.
5. Does she surfs the Internet every day?
5.2. She does'n surfs the Internet every day.