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Перевести в косвенную речь и сократить до 10 предложений. a read what happened in the hospital when emily and her friends were visiting jane. retell the story. use reported speech. in the room where mr small, dr foam and mrs bulmer were talking to the children, there were some really old people. mr small went up to one of them. "i see that you're a very old man," he said. "yes, i am. i'm 90," the old man replied. "could you give the children here some advice about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle? " mr small asked. "sure. follow my example. don't smoke, don't drink, don't eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water." at that moment dr foam found another old man, who looked older than the first one. he was sitting in a wheelchair, but his eyes were merry and bright. "how old are you, sir? dr foam asked. "i'm ninety-five," the man replied. "can you tell us why you have lived so long? " doctor foam asked. "it's easy. i always do exercise, and i don't smoke or drink. t spend a lot of time in the open air and i'm a vegetarian." just then mrs bulmer decided to join in the conversation. she saw a very, very old man in the corner of the room. he had no teeth or hair and he couldn't see or hear very well, so she had to come very close to him. the children followed her. "may i ask you a couple of questions, sir," she shouted. "yes," the old man whispered. "why have you lived so long, sir? " mrs bulmer asked. "i don't know," the man replied. "tell us about your lifestyle," mrs bulmer continued. "ok, then. i smoke thirty cigarettes a day and drink a bottle of whisky every day. sometimes i also have two bottles of beer. i never eat vegetables or fruit and i live on chocolate and cakes." "how old are you, sir? " mr bulmer exclaimed. "i'm forty," the "old" man replied.

Прочесть, что случилось в больнице, когда Эмили и ее друзья были в гостях у Джейн. Пересказывать сюжет. Используйте косвенная речь.
В комнате, где мистер Малой, Доктор пены и миссис Балмер разговаривали с
дети, там были некоторые очень старые люди. Мистер Малой подошел к одному из них.
"Я вижу, что вы очень старый человек", - сказал он.
"Да, я такой. Я в 90-х," старик ответил.
"Не могли бы вы дать здесь детям несколько советов о сбалансированной диете и здоровом образе жизни?" Мистер Малой попросил.
"Конечно. Последовать моему примеру. Не курите, не пейте, не ешьте слишком много сахара и жира и пейте много воды".
В этот момент Доктор пены нашли еще один старик, который выглядел старше, чем первый. Он сидел в инвалидном кресле, но его глаза были веселыми и яркими.
"Сколько вам лет, сэр? Доктор спросил пены. "Я-девяносто пять", - ответил мужчина.
"Можете ли вы рассказать нам, почему вы жили так долго?" Доктор спросил пены. "Это легко. Я всегда делаю упражнения, и я не курят и не пьют. Т тратить много времени на открытом воздухе, и я вегетарианец". Только тогда миссис Балмер решила вступить в разговор. Она увидела очень старого человека в углу комнаты. У него нет зубов или волос, и он не мог видеть или слышать очень хорошо, поэтому ей пришлось подойти очень близко к нему. Дети последовали за ней. "Могу я задать вам пару вопросов, сэр," она кричала. - Да, - старик
"Почему вы так долго жили, сэр?" Миссис Балмер спросил. "Я не знаю", - ответил человек. "Расскажите нам о вашем образе жизни," миссис Балмер продолжил. "Ладно, потом. Я курю тридцать сигарет в день и выпивал бутылку виски каждый день. Иногда у меня тоже две бутылки пива. Я никогда не ем овощи или фрукты, и я живу на шоколаде и пирожных".
"Сколько вам лет, сэр?" Воскликнул г-н Балмер. "Мне сорок", то "старый" человек ответил.
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My favourite holiday is New Year. It's not just getting presents and spending time with family, but also good spirit of this day. I like the way our streets look - they're full of garlands and other types of light. Shops are full of fireworks and Christmas trees.

This day is the most awaited holiday of the year. Firstly, everyone loves to get presents. Secondly, it seems like we're living in a dream. Everybody is so happy and excited, everywhere playing music and so many people walking in really cool and funny costumes, like deers and gnomes. Thirdly, there are so many concerts and events for this holiday. I wish I could visit all of them, but it's impossible sadly. We also have performances at school, but I usually prefer to be a spectator neither participant.

I also like salads that my mom cooks for this day. It's really good, you should try it out. I usually help her, but she never asks me to do that. I'm sad, because it's a family holiday and you should spend more time together, but here she pushes me away.

I'm convinced that New Year is the best holiday of the year. I wish everyone to be happy that day and be healthy during next year!

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1. The weather in England is very changeable, isn't it? Yes, it is.
2. What comparison do the English use when they want to describe a person whose mood and opinion changes very often? The English use the comparison "as changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. 3. What statement is often made by the English to describe the meteorological conditions of their country? This statement "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather" is often made by the English to describe the meteorological conditions of their country. 

4. How often does it rain in England? It often rains in England. The English have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon, or when it rains all day long. 
5. The weather is the favourite conversational topic in England, isn't it? Yes, it is. Do you find this topic of conversation interesting? No, I do not.
6. What is the best time of the year in England? The best time of the year in England is spring.
7. What do you know about London fogs? The most unpleasant aspects of the weather in England are fog and smog.
8. What kind of weather do you like best of all? I like sunny weather.
9. Where do you get the weather forecast from? I get the weather forecast from the Internet. Do you always believe it? No, I do not.
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