If I had a chose, I would most likely live in a big modern city. It's populated streets and moderness gives it charm. It feels great to live in a huge city, you never feel alone! And there is always so much to do, so many things to see, you just can't get bored. Of course though there are down sides to living in the city. Some of them are that there is much more pollution, especially compared to the country side. During the summer in big cities it can get overwhelmingly hot, and in result many citizens can get heat stroke. There is also the increase in diseases, such as lung disease, which is due to the fact that there are a lot of smokers in the city. The city can also be stressful.
But nonetheless, I still would enjoy living in one! :
I love warm, clear, windless weather because in such days it is possible to walk how many want. I love summer rains when in the summer it is raining it is possible to stay at home and read books or to invite friends. But I don't love cold, windy weather. Especially if wind cold. As I don't love slush. I do not love, when in the winter it is slippery.
Я люблю теплую, ясную, безветренную погоду, потому что в такие дни возможно гулять, сколько хочешь. Я люблю летние дожди, когда летом идет дождь, возможно остаться дома и прочитать книги или пригласить друзей. Но я не люблю холодную, ветреную погоду. Особенно, если холодный ветер. Ток же я не люблю слякоть и, когда зимой скользкие дороги.
Может что-то типо этого,но я не знаю:(
11) by the beauty of the twilight, he strolled away from the hotel. b. stirred
12) His tale , he put his head back and laughed. a. told d. being told - оба применимы
13) Huxley showed how colonialism a false channel for most developing countries, draining them of their wealth and their culture. b. had carved out
14) dinner he sat with his cigar in a somewhat deserted lounge, turning over weekly papers. a. finishing b. having finished - оба применимы
15) They now had all her telephone calls d. intercepted