ОПИСАНИЕ ПРО ЙОДУ! Description (English. Yoda) - Grand Master of the Jedi Order, was one of the most powerful and wise Jedi of his time. Seat on the Council received after about a hundred years after the birth. With longevity, he achieved the title of Grand Master at the age of about 600 years. Yoda managed to survive during the order 66 After an unsuccessful duel with Darth Sidious went into self-imposed exile to the planet Dagobah, where he died a natural death in 4 ABY. Home planet and race Yoda unknown.
1. Firstly,talk with neighbor about how you used to live. What time did you wake up, what to eat, when you come, bath time. Its very important. 2. Then it would be good to give the floor to another party:-) Have to compromise. 3. Food. The main component of the normal functioning of the body. Discuss some of details,for example what you will eat, who will cook. Set up a schedule. 4. Set up a schedule of cleaning. 5. If you decided to invite someone to yourself, alert neighbor. 6. Also, you should divide living space (bed, wardrobe,kitchen,etc) 7. The best way to make friends with a neighbor:-)
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