Дайте транскрипцию следующих слов и определите сколько букв сколько звуков каждом из них engineer,pioneer,wife,worker,son,our,their, who,whose,where,here,there
2. Canada is the most magnificent country I have ever visited. 3. This is the highest mountain in Azerbaijan Bazarduzu has ever climbed 4. This is the best birthday present Nelly has ever received in her life. 5. The Eifel Tower is the most fantastic place Azer has ever visited in his life 6. This is the most favourite CD Peter has ever received for New Year. 7. This is the most expensive computer Julia's father has ever bought for he 8. This is the most fantastic legend I have ever read in my life
l. It's an enquiry from an English company. The company is interested in telephone equipment. They know we are selling a new model of our equipment. 2. The equipment of Blake & Co is very good. They sell it to different countries. 3. In the morning the engineers look through Russian and English newspapers and journals. 4. Where are the newspapers? They are on your desk. 5. The engineers of our firm often go to the plants with foreign inspectors. 6. The inspectors would like to go to the plant in the afternoon. 7. It's a plant of chemical equipment. The plant is outside Moscow. It's a very large plant. The manager of our company is going to visit the plant with the chief engineer of GML on Friday.
ˌɛnʤɪˈnɪə, ˌpaɪəˈnɪə, waɪf, ˈwɜːkə, sʌn, ˈaʊə, ðeə, huː, huːz, weə, hɪə, ðeə
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