Прочти и подчеркни правильный ответ. 1this may\mine house. 2 bob is her\hers dad. 3 the blue dress is your\yours. 4 his\he cat is black. 5 are these books our\ours? 6 that car is their\theirs. !
Is this toy for your little nephew? Will there be a concert next week? Was that his mistake or theirs? Was the flight delayed for half an hour? Will the Smirnovs be in the Crimea this summer? № 2 Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо. 1. I usually get … home AT six IN the evening. 2. Peter is going TO hospital FOR two days. 3. What are we having FOR dinner today? 4. I don't want to go TO the cinema tonight. My friend and I are going FOR a walk. 5. I stayed home AT ten yesterday morning. 6. Does your friend play … chess well? I’m going to have a game OF chess WITH… him. 7. She graduated FROM the institute OF Foreign Languages eight years go. 8. We usually work ON week-days. № 3 Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо: 1. I’d like to have A hamburger for … breakfast. 2. Pushkin is AN outstanding Russian poet. 3. Can you play THE piano? 4. Will you play … chess with me? 5. At … night I had A terrible headache after I had drunk A lot of coffee in THE evening.
My favourite domestic animal is a puppy. Its name is Chapa. My puppy is very fat and kind. Its head isn’t big. Its neck is short. Its paws are small. Its eyes are black and clever. Its ears are small. My puppy likes to eat especially milk and chicken. Most of all Chapa likes to sleep and play. It's very funny and playfull. We play every evening. I like my puppy very much. I think dogs are very careful and clever. ( Мое любимое домашнее животное – щенок . Его зовут Чапа. Мой щенок очень толстый и добрый. У него небольшая голова. Его шея короткая. Его лапы маленькие. Его глаза черные и умные. Его ушки маленькие. Мой щенок любит покушать особенно молоко и цыплят. Больше всего Чапа любит спать и играть. Он очень смешной и игривый. Мы играем каждый вечер. Я очень люблю моего щенка. Я думаю, собаки очень аккуратные и умные)