Перевести на . from a personal perspective, as a minority language speaker, i tend to note this angle in our cases and it is understandable that the legal aspect interests me since human rights law was my field of study.
С личной точки зрения, в качестве языка меньшинства говорящего, я склонен отметить этот угол в нашем случае, и это вполне понятно, что правовой аспект меня интересует, так как закон о правах человека была моя область исследования.
1. I often saw that girl with her dog. 2. My Grandpa went for a walk in the afternoon. 3. Kate showed her record-book to her mother. 4. Helen usually played chess in the evening. 5. My brother usually went to the shop. 1. Did I often see that girl with her dog? 2. Did my Grandpa go for a walk in the afternoon? 3. Did Kate show her record-book to her mother? 4. Did Helen usually play chess in the evening? 5. Did my brother usually go to the shop? 1. Who often saw that girl with her dog? 2. When did my Grandpa go for a walk? 3. What did Kate show to her mother? 4. Why did Helen usually play chess in the evening? 5. Where did my brother usually go?
18 марта 2008 года Г-же: Ллойд М Директору по работе с персоналом Торгового отдела магазина Оксфорд OX2 6DP Ул. Большая Кларендон
Уважаемая г-жа Ллойд, Я хотела бы подать заявление на должность стажера продавца-консультанта, в связи с вашим объявлением во вчерашнем номере "Observer". Прилагаю копию моего резюме.