What meteorological information can you get looking at the flag? 3. What traditions have the Maoris kept to the present day? 4. Which tourist destination in New Zealand can become extremely dangerous? 5. Where can you see the landscapes of New Zealand without going there? 6. How did people damage the ecosystem of New Zealand? 7. After which European place was New Zealand named? ... Напишите ответы на вопросы на языке.если не можете на все сразу ответить,то хотя бы на некоторые! (желательно с переводом) 1.what is the name of the witch who delivers christmas
2. I don't know what to MAKE of the new president.
3. They spent most of the last year DOING up their kitchen.
4. There's no electrity at the moment so we'll have to DO without it.
5. It really MADE my day when he gave me those flower.
6. They DID away with one-pound notes years ago. They only use one-pound coins now.
7. He's always MAKING up excuses for being late to class!
8. I've been working non-stop for the last five hours. I could really DO with a break.
9. It MAKES a big difference to the cost if you pay in advance.
10. Do you think we'll MAKE the bank in time before it closes?
11. OK. That DOES it! I'm leaving! I can't stand any more of your rudeness!
12. After graduating from university he's going to MAKE a skilled scientist.