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Нужен рассказ о смерти актавиана августа . !

Augustus [comm. 1] (lat Octavianus Augustus [ɔk.taː.wiaː.nʊs au̯gʊs.tʊs], at birth - Gaius Octavius Furin, Gaius Octavius Thurinus;... September 23, 63 BC, Rome - August 19, 14 AD. ., Nola) - Roman politician, founder of the Roman Empire. 13 times he served as consul (43 BC. E., 33 BC. E., Each year from 31 to 23 BC. E., 5 BC. E., 2 BC. E.), With '12 BC. e. - Pontifex Maximus, from 23 BC. e. have the authority Tribune (tribunicia potestas), in 2 BC. e. He received the honorary title of "father of the fatherland» (pater patriae).
Place of the base things of a rich family, accounted grandnephew of Caesar. In 44 BC. e. It has been adopted by them at will and at the center of the political life of the Roman Republic, with the support of many of Caesar's supporters. In 43 BC. e. tsezariantsami with Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus the second triumvirate created to deal with common opponents. After victories over Marcus Brutus and Sextus Pompey between the triumvirs, the struggle for power, which ended the war between Antony and Octavian.
In 27-23 years BC. e. Octavian concentrated in their hands a number of regular and emergency posts, which allowed him to control the Roman state, avoiding the establishment of an open monarchy. For the characteristics of the new system uses the term "Principate" and is considered the first emperor Octavian in the modern sense of the word. During his reign, Octavian greatly expanded the borders of the Roman state, including in its membership a large area on the Rhine and the Danube, in Spain, as well as Egypt, Judea and Galatia. The active foreign policy was made possible thanks to the development of the economy, the development of provincial and military reform. Board Octavian marked decrease in the influence of the Roman Senate on the policy and the birth of emperor worship (including manifestations of the latter - the renaming of one of the months in August). Since the emperor had no sons, during his reign, he considered various possible successors. In the end, he left power to his stepson Tiberius, Augustus and founded the dynasty Julio-Claudian rule of the Roman Empire up to 68 year.
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Bad Day

Every day in our lives we have to go through different events, both good and bad. There are days that give us lots of headache, we call them bad days. I’d like to tell you about one of those days.

My morning was no different from those I normally have. However, I knew there is an important test ahead. Our teacher of Maths calls it a final exam of the year. So, you can imagine how important it was for everyone. I spent a week preparing for this test. As I said, my morning went quite well, but since the time I stepped out into the street the minor problems and misfortunes began.

At first, I realized that I’d forgotten to take my lunch box, so I had to return. As people in my country say, coming back home can be a portent of bad luck. And that’s exactly how it worked for me on that day. I came back and went towards the school again. It is twenty minutes away from my home. On a way it started to rain. I guess it’s needless to say that I was without an umbrella. Luckily my anorak was in the bag. Its hood saved me from the heavy rain.

When I got to school I realized I was late for test. My teacher doesn’t normally let the latecomers to enter the classroom. This time she was in good mood and decided to make an exception. I wish she hadn’t though, as the test turned out to be really difficult. I should confess, Maths is not my favourite subject. I prefer humanitarian sciences instead, whereas my best friend and classmate Liza prefers mathematical sciences. So, we try to help each other in case there is a difficult topic. However this time was different. Liza was angry with me as we had a big argument a few days ago. For that reason, she refused to help me.

In the end, I did badly in the test and was rather sad. I thought the second part of the day would be a little better, but as ill luck would have it, my mom gave away my favourite kitten. She said she didn’t want any pets running around the house. As you see, bad days happen and they can be indeed upsetting

4,4(58 оценок)

Bad Day

Every day in our lives we have to go through different events, both good and bad. There are days that give us lots of headache, we call them bad days. I’d like to tell you about one of those days.

My morning was no different from those I normally have. However, I knew there is an important test ahead. Our teacher of Maths calls it a final exam of the year. So, you can imagine how important it was for everyone. I spent a week preparing for this test. As I said, my morning went quite well, but since the time I stepped out into the street the minor problems and misfortunes began.

At first, I realized that I’d forgotten to take my lunch box, so I had to return. As people in my country say, coming back home can be a portent of bad luck. And that’s exactly how it worked for me on that day. I came back and went towards the school again. It is twenty minutes away from my home. On a way it started to rain. I guess it’s needless to say that I was without an umbrella. Luckily my anorak was in the bag. Its hood saved me from the heavy rain.

When I got to school I realized I was late for test. My teacher doesn’t normally let the latecomers to enter the classroom. This time she was in good mood and decided to make an exception. I wish she hadn’t though, as the test turned out to be really difficult. I should confess, Maths is not my favourite subject. I prefer humanitarian sciences instead, whereas my best friend and classmate Liza prefers mathematical sciences. So, we try to help each other in case there is a difficult topic. However this time was different. Liza was angry with me as we had a big argument a few days ago. For that reason, she refused to help me.

In the end, I did badly in the test and was rather sad. I thought the second part of the day would be a little better, but as ill luck would have it, my mom gave away my favourite kitten. She said she didn’t want any pets running around the house. As you see, bad days happen and they can be indeed upsetting

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