Hello,I am(имя ваше).I like to dance.I look like a funny person.I think that i am differ like other people.I lIke to read different books.In my spare time i always learn and read English words or books.It is very good for me.I collect coins(ну что ты там колекционируешь?)I have thirty one coins.(я обычно на счет этого вру.ахаха)It is easy.Sometimes i go for a walk with my friends.I like to go to pool with my parents.I loke to do it in summer.And i do me homework every day,but it is not a hobby.
так пойдёт?=)
1. They had earned a lot of money by the end of August
2. They had defeated an enemy*s fleet by the end of the year
3. He reminded me about that event when John had gone
4.We had burnt dry leaves before the snow fell
5. The rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain had stopped
6. She had cut down the flowers before we came into the hothouse
7.Dodo is a died- out species of birds. It had dessapeared after the people began hunting on it
8.The fire had destroyed the buildind before the firemen came
9. Miss Marple had solved a difficult criminal problem before the policemen could do it.
10.Little Robert had broken a new toy before his father explained him how to play with it
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