I’ve got much of homework tonight.
There isn’t much of chocolate in the fridge.
We need much of bread for the sandwiches.
Does your car use much of fuel?
My sister eats much of pasta.
Ex.2. Choose the correct words to complete the questions.
How many students are there in your class?
Did you get a lot of birthday presents?
How much money do we need?
Have you got much homework for next week?
Are there a lot of computers in your school?
How many times a week do you cycle to school?
Is there a lot of pollution in your city?
Ex.3. Complete the text with where, which or who.
There is a teacher 1who is really cool. His name is Mr. Jackson. He’s the only teacher 2whodoesn’t own a car. He rides a really old bike 3which you can hear from miles away! He says he’s trying to save the planet. I try to do things 4which help the environment, too. At school I speak to students 5wholeave their rubbish in the wrong places. I say to them. There are recycling bins 6where you can put your old cans and paper. I want to live in a place 7where there isn’t rubbish everywhere. There is only one world 8which we can live in, so we must look after it!
Today was our family's day off. So we decided to spend it together. First we decided to have Breakfast, and then went for a walk. First we went to the subway, drove there for half an hour. Then we decided to go to a Museum and see the sights, where my father liked one painting, and my mother liked the architecture, and my sister and I (or brother) saw a Mona Lisa painting, we really liked it. We walked for two hours, but then dad was called to work, we were a little upset, but dad decided to take us with him. 10 minutes later, we arrived at the tall skyscraper where my father worked. We went in, there were a lot of people there, and it was beautiful and spacious. I really enjoyed today. I like spending time with my family.
Сегодня у нашей семьи был выходной. Поэтому мы решили провести его вместе. Сначала мы решили позавтракать, а потом отправились на прогулку. Сначала мы пошли в метро, ехали там полчаса. Потом мы решили пойти в музей и посмотреть достопримечательности, где моему отцу понравилась одна картина, а маме понравилась архитектура, а мы с сестрой (или братом) посмотрели картину Моны Лизы, она нам очень понравилась. Так мы гуляли два часа, но потом папу вызвали на работу, мы немного расстроились, но папа решил взять нас с собой. Через 10 минут мы подъехали к высокому небоскребу, где работал мой отец. Мы вошли в него, там было много людей, и он был красивым и просторным. Мне очень понравился сегодняшний день. Мне нравится проводить время с семьей.
2. read. think. don't think
3. What are doing at the moment? are looking
4. plan
5. waits. am not going