Мои летние каникулы в Москву был абсолютно совершенным до сих пор! Мы ездили в Москву всей семьёй. Мы посетили все достопримечательности: Красная площадь, Кремль, Воробьёвы горы и т.д. Мы накупили очень много сувениров. Ещё мы посетили известный музей Пушкина. Мы были в восторге. Мне очень понравилась эта поездка. Я никогда не забуду это лето. ( по русски)
My summer vacation in Moscow was absolutely perfect so far! We went to Moscow as a family. We visited all the attractions: Red Square, the Kremlin, Sparrow Hills, etc. We bought a lot of souvenirs. We also visited the famous museum of Pushkin. We were delighted. I really enjoyed this trip. I will never forget this summer. ( по англ.)
1. When I leave work, I usually go to the fitness center to work out.
2. She hates TV. She thinks television is a waste of time. If she watches any television at all, it is usually a documentary or a news program.
3. My friend always keeps in touch by mail. When I get a letter, I usually write back immediately.
4. If I had enough money, I would go on safari to Kenya. However, my bank account is empty!
5. I love to travel! When I have enough money, I will go abroad. I do it almost every year.
6. I really wanted to go on safari to Kenya with my friends, but I couldn't afford to go. If I had had enough money, I would have gone with them.
7. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were allergic to chocolate. If I knew , I would have made you a vanilla birthday cake.
8. Stop asking me what Amanda bought you for Christmas. Even if I knew what she bought you, I wouldn*t tell you.
9. Nobody here speaks English. Too bad Gloria isn't here. If she were with us, she would be able to act as our interpreter.