Lenin Avenue. The very first and at first the only street in Yekaterinburg, was laid through the dam. The main street of Yekaterinburg in the XVIII century was called Bolshaya, Pershpektivnaya, Main Pershpektivnaya, since 1845 the name Main Avenue was established for it. In 1919, the Avenue was renamed Lenin street.
Malyshev Street. One of the oldest streets in Yekaterinburg. Previously, the street was called Pokrovsky Prospekt. In 1919, the street was renamed in honor of Ivan Malyshev, since it was here in the house number 46 in 1917 that the Yekaterinburg Committee of Bolsheviks was located, which immediately after leaving the underground was headed by I. M. Malyshev, who was killed by the white guards in 1918.
Kuibyshev Street. One of the largest and most important streets of old and modern Yekaterinburg. Previously, until 1935, the street was called Sibirsky Prospekt, but initially it was the road to Tobolsk, connecting the fortress-factory with the Tobolsk province. In 1763, the Tobolsk road became the Siberian highway, and the part of the highway passing through Yekaterinburg became known as Sibirsky Prospekt. In 1935, the Avenue was renamed Kuibyshev street in honor of the revolutionary, Soviet political and party figure who died in 1935.
Bolshakov Street. On the site of the current Bolshakov street once stretched a huge swamp, surrounded by dense forest. Only by the end of the last century there was a suburban street with a rare structure in the swamp, and became known as Bolotnaya. Since 1919, it began to bear the name of a Bolshevik worker-Stepan Bolshakov.
Yeltsin Street. Historically, it was formed in the 40s of the XVIII century. On the city plan of 1810, the street was designated as Single, and in 1845 it already appeared as Fetisovskaya and was a fully formed street consisting of two long blocks. In 1919, the street was renamed, being named in memory of the events of January 9, 1905 in St. Petersburg. In 2008, it was renamed in honor of the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin.
There is nothing better and the most expensive in the world like Native Land. It gives us wings for flight, lights every our step. It is impossible to choose Native Land. It can be only loved or treated indifferently to. Unfortunately some people don’t have the sense of patriotism and feeling of pride. How to develop this sense? Recently I have been to the city at the bank of the river the Neva – Saint Petersburg. I visited a lot of excursions and knew the city’s history. I was very impressed by magnificent buildings of Cathedrals, ancient Palace`s towers and many other sights. Having seen all the sights I understood that exactly in such cities we could develop the spirit of Homeland and bring up to love the country. After this journey my love to the Native Land became stronger and I’m ready to defend it and do good to it.Перевод:Нет ничего лучше и дороже в мире, чем родина. Это дает нам крылья для полета, освещает каждый наш шаг. Невозможно выбрать родную землю. Она может быть только любима или рассматриваться равнодушно.К сожалению, некоторые люди не имеют чувства патриотизма и чувства гордости. Как развить это чувство?Недавно я был в городе на берегу реки Невы - Санкт-Петербурге. Я посетил много экскурсий и узнал историю города. Я был очень впечатлен великолепными зданиями соборов, древними башнями дворца `и многими другими достопримечательностями. Увидев все достопримечательности, я понял, что именно в таких городах, мы могли бы развивать дух Родины и воспитывать любовь к своей стране.После этого путешествия моя любовь к Родине стала сильнее, и я готов защищать ее и делать добрые для нее.