One thousend eight hundred twenty three two hundred one thousend eight hundred forty five one thousend eight hundred ninety six one thousend nine hundred fifty one thousend nine hundred sixty four one thousend eight hundred seventy eight one thousend eight hundred ninety two one thousend nine hundred twenty one thousend nine hundred twenty four
1823 one thousand eight hundred twenty three 200 - two hundred 1845- one thousand eight hundred forty five 1896 - one thousand eight hundred ninety six 1950 - one thousand nine hundred and fifty 1964 - one thousand nine hundred sixty four 1878 - one thousand eight hundred seventy eight 1892- one thousand eight hundred ninety two 1920- one thousand nine hundred and twenty 1924- one thousand nine hundred twenty four
I have gust a grate family!My mom is the best cooker in the hole world!She can cook everything you want.It also can be usual soup or difficult Mexican desert.My father can built anything from nothing.For example he built construction which watering flowers in our garder.My grandfather and grandmother good in gardening.We have a lovely garden near our house.There are beautiful flowers,trees,bushes,plants.My sister can draw anything.One time she draw a people with cat and dog.Oh,yes!We have a dog.This is a big golden Labrador.But my family not ideal because of their quality.They ideal because they can help me,support,listen in bad moment of your life.They always been with you in bad and good moment.The end
My mom works very hard everyday. She wakes up in the early morning and gets ready for work right away. She also makes breakfast for our family. It is always very delicious. My mom is very warm and beautiful. Everyone always compliments her for it and wants to be friends with her. I am proud of my mom and with to be like her one day.
Моя мама работает очень много каждый день. Она просыпаеться рано утром и сразу готовиться к работе. Она также готовит завтрак для нашей семьи. Он всегда очень вкусный. Моя мама очень теплая и красивая. Все всегда ее хвалят за это и хотят с ней дружить. Я горжусь своей мамой и хочу однаджы быть как она.
(Я не носитель русского языка (I'm an English native speaker), поэтому может быть перевод не самый лучший...но надеюсь что вам
two hundred
one thousend eight hundred forty five
one thousend eight hundred ninety six
one thousend nine hundred fifty
one thousend nine hundred sixty four
one thousend eight hundred seventy eight
one thousend eight hundred ninety two
one thousend nine hundred twenty
one thousend nine hundred twenty four