in modern society, the role of women has gone beyond the boundaries of home and family and a good mother. often it turns out that the relatives and friends of the girl, especially her parents, since adolescence inspire her that in life the main thing – not a strong family, and a stable social status. before you devote yourself to marriage, you need to stand firmly on your feet and be independent financially. home, husband, children – all this will have time, and a career must be done as soon as possible. and surprisingly, the modern woman is great work. many women successfully combine the role of the director of the company, their business and family. it's hard. perhaps legislators need to review women's work schedules. mothers of schoolchildren (especially primary school) just need a flexible work schedule, because children need to be taken from school, fed or held for additional classes. that's mom and worry, all the way home asking the child to talk to them on the phone. if a woman had the opportunity to leave work or to work half a day, then happy women would be added at times.
t the best way for Speed is to get the Khan out of easy time with museum space for a great price and you should get it on a scale and the cost to go up is visited and a bit less expensive and a great place in stock and you will have a good day on a good morning in the morning and a great day for the Khan family and the great lakes and the sea in the mountains of were the most beautiful and beautiful places to go for Speed in the city and in a way that's not only a good way to the day to the holidays and a great place for people to live with museum day by day to day and the next
Все пассажиры должны надевать ремни безопасности.
12. ought to
У меня болит зуб. Думаю, мне нужно сходить к дантисту.
13. couldn’t
Мне нельзя было есть конфеты, когда я была девочкой.
14. mustn’t
Нельзя ходить по траве.
15. have to
Тебе нужно быть добрым и вежливым.
16. shouldn’t
Ему не следует свистеть внутри дома.
17. ought to
Твоему брату нужно питаться здоровой едой.
18. doesn’t have to
В клубничном йогурте необязательно содержится настоящая клубника.
19. should
Тебе следует прочитать эту книгу. Она очень хорошая.
20. ought to
Грегу нужно больше времени посвящать английской грамматике.