It was a sunny day. — был солнечный день. we walked by the side of the river. — мы гуляли по берегу реки. there were lots of birds. — было много птиц. i was so happy! — я была так счастлива! tuesday, november 2nd — вторник, 2 ноября it was rainy and windy. — было дождливо и ветрено. we walked in the forest and we didn’t see any animals. — мы гуляли в лесу, и мы не видели каких-либо животных. my socks and shoes were wet. — мои носки и ботинки были мокрые. i was so tired. — я была такой уставшей. was it a sunny day on monday? yes, it was. — был ли это солнечный день в понедельник? да. where did they walk? they walked by the side of the river. – где они гуляли? они гуляли по берегу реки. were there lots of birds? yes, there were. – там было много птиц? да. was she happy? yes, she was. — была ли она счастлива? да. where did they walk? they walked in the forest. – где они гуляли? они гуляли в лесу. was it rainy and windy? yes, it was. — было дождливо и ветрено? да. were her socks and shoes wet? yes, they were. — ее носки и ботинки были мокрые? да. was she tired? yes, she was. — она устала? да.
where is your friend? — he is at school. he is not at home. 2. michael has a car. his car is red.3. this book is on the table. put a book on the shelf.4. what’s that? — it’s a pencil. the pencil is long. 5. it’s a bus. the bus is a big and yellow. 6. where is a dog? — the dog is under bench. 7. where is his son? — his son is at school. 8. the sun is shining in the sky.. 9. this is a street. i can see many cars and buses in street. 10. this is a tram. what colour is tramнасколько знаю вроде выйдет так, но лучше перепроверить
I am not happy to hear it from you.