Калуга,Россия Дорогой Майкл, за твое письмо. Так замечательно получить известие от тебя. В своем письме ты спрашивал меня, как я провел лето. Я отлично провел это лето. Сначала я ездил в молодежный лагерь, который находится недалеко от Калуги на берегу живописного озера. Мы много загорали и купались в озере, играли в футбол, вечером танцевали и т.д. У меня появилось много хороших друзей. Затем, вторую половину лета я провел у бабушки в саду. Сад находится около большого леса. Мы ходили в поход, собирали грибы и ягоды и купались в широкой реке. Тем не менее, мне уже хочется в школу, я соскучился по школьным друзьям. Извини, я должен идти. Напишу тебе скоро еще! Всего наилучшего, Сергей Dear Michael, Thank you for your letter. It’s so wonderful to hear from you. In your letter you asked me how I spent my summer. I had a great summer. First I went to a youth camp, which is located not far from Kaluga on picturesque lake. We had a lot of sunbathing and swimming in the lake, played soccer, danced in the evening, etc. I made lot of good friends. Then, the second half of the summer I spent with grandmother in the garden. The garden is located near a large forest. We went hiking, picked mushrooms and berries and bathed in a wide river. However, I already wanted to school, I missed my school friends. Sorry, I must go. I will write to you soon again! All the best, Sergei
Mountain climbers are very brave people. In the mountains they risk their lives every minute. There are no roads or paths in the mountains but there are a lot of high rocks and streams which are hard to cross.Climbers often take dangerous routes nobody used before them.They start getting ready for the climb long before it begins. Firstly they choose the mountain and look it up in all kinds of books, they make brief notes and study the information.The more they know about the mountain they are going to climb the better.Then, if they go climbing in another country, they have got to think about their passport.The most important thing is to prepare the equipment including food and medicines. It is easy to get injured in the mountains. Though there is a rescue service in many countries,mountain climbers must be prepared for all kinds of accidents.
1 Wales is famous for its annual musical festivals. 2 Glasgow is a famous industrial city in Scotland. 3 Liverpool was announced a cultural capital of England in 2008. 4 They have won the regional football championship and were proud of it. 5 The turkey is a traditional American food for Christmas and the Thanksgiving Day. 6 During the holidays they visited the Natural History Museum. 7 The Independence Day is a big national holiday in the USA. 8 Long, long ago Russia was an agricultural country but today it's both powerful industrial and successful agricultural country.
Mountain climbers are very brave people. In the mountains they risk their lives every minute. There are no roads or paths in the mountains but there are a lot of high rocks and streams which are hard to cross.Climbers often take dangerous routes nobody used before them.They start getting ready for the climb long before it begins. Firstly they choose the mountain and look it up in all kinds of books, they make brief notes and study the information.The more they know about the mountain they are going to climb the better.Then, if they go climbing in another country, they have got to think about their passport.The most important thing is to prepare the equipment including food and medicines. It is easy to get injured in the mountains. Though there is a rescue service in many countries,mountain climbers must be prepared for all kinds of accidents.
1 Wales is famous for its annual musical festivals. 2 Glasgow is a famous industrial city in Scotland. 3 Liverpool was announced a cultural capital of England in 2008. 4 They have won the regional football championship and were proud of it. 5 The turkey is a traditional American food for Christmas and the Thanksgiving Day. 6 During the holidays they visited the Natural History Museum. 7 The Independence Day is a big national holiday in the USA. 8 Long, long ago Russia was an agricultural country but today it's both powerful industrial and successful agricultural country.
за твое письмо. Так замечательно получить известие от тебя.
В своем письме ты спрашивал меня, как я провел лето. Я отлично провел это лето. Сначала я ездил в молодежный лагерь, который находится недалеко от Калуги на берегу живописного озера. Мы много загорали и купались в озере, играли в футбол, вечером танцевали и т.д. У меня появилось много хороших друзей.
Затем, вторую половину лета я провел у бабушки в саду. Сад находится около большого леса. Мы ходили в поход, собирали грибы и ягоды и купались в широкой реке.
Тем не менее, мне уже хочется в школу, я соскучился по школьным друзьям.
Извини, я должен идти. Напишу тебе скоро еще!
Всего наилучшего,
Сергей Dear Michael,
Thank you for your letter. It’s so wonderful to hear from you.
In your letter you asked me how I spent my summer. I had a great summer. First I went to a youth camp, which is located not far from Kaluga on picturesque lake. We had a lot of sunbathing and swimming in the lake, played soccer, danced in the evening, etc. I made lot of good friends.
Then, the second half of the summer I spent with grandmother in the garden. The garden is located near a large forest. We went hiking, picked mushrooms and berries and bathed in a wide river.
However, I already wanted to school, I missed my school friends.
Sorry, I must go. I will write to you soon again!
All the best,